绪论INTRODUCTION 化工过程与单元操作Processes of Chemical Industries and Unit Operations 化工过程(化学工业过程):由若干物理过程和若干化学过程组成的工业过程。或将原料改 变或分高成有用产品的业过程。有 Processes of Chemical Industries,in which raw materials are changed or separated into useful products,are industrial processes which are composed of a number of physical processes and chemical processes. 2.单元操作:化工过程中不含化学反应或化学反应次要的物理过程 Unit Operations are physical processes in chemical industries in which there are no chemical processes,or the chemical processes are secondary. 3.化学过程:含有化学反应的过程 Chemical Processes are the processes that comprise chemical reactions. 4.化工原理:以单元操作为研究对象的一门技术科学。 Principles of Chemical Engineering is a branch of chemical engineering that studies unit operations. 5.化学反应工程:以化工过程中化学过程作为研究对象的一门技术科学。 6. 化学工程:研究化工过程共性规律的一门技术科学。主要由化工原理和化学反应工程两个分 支组成。(另外还有化工传递过程原理和化工热力学及化工系统工程三个分支) Chemical Engineering is an applied science that studies the common character regularity of processes of chemical industries.Chemical Engineering consists mainly of Principles of Chemical Engineering and Chemical Reaction Engineering.In addition,it also includes Principles of Transfer Processes in Chemical Industries,Thermodynamics in Chemical Industries and System Engineering in Chemical Industries.This course covers the unit operations. 7.(过程):物系状态发生变化的经过 8.(物系):作为研究对象的物质绪 论INTRODUCTION 一、化工过程与单元操作Processes of Chemical Industries and Unit Operations 1. 化工过程(化学工业过程):由若干物理过程和若干化学过程组成的工业过程。或将原料改 变或分离成有用产品的工业过程。 Processes of Chemical Industries, in which raw materials are changed or separated into useful products, are industrial processes which are composed of a number of physical processes and chemical processes. 2.单元操作:化工过程中不含化学反应或化学反应次要的物理过程 Unit Operations are physical processes in chemical industries in which there are no chemical processes, or the chemical processes are secondary. 3.化学过程:含有化学反应的过程 Chemical Processes are the processes that comprise chemical reactions. 4.化工原理:以单元操作为研究对象的一门技术科学。 Principles of Chemical Engineering is a branch of chemical engineering that studies unit operations. 5.化学反应工程:以化工过程中化学过程作为研究对象的一门技术科学。 6. 化学工程:研究化工过程共性规律的一门技术科学。主要由化工原理和化学反应工程两个分 支组成。(另外还有化工传递过程原理和化工热力学及化工系统工程三个分支) Chemical Engineering is an applied science that studies the common character regularity of processes of chemical industries. Chemical Engineering consists mainly of Principles of Chemical Engineering and Chemical Reaction Engineering. In addition, it also includes Principles of Transfer Processes in Chemical Industries, Thermodynamics in Chemical Industries and System Engineering in Chemical Industries. This course covers the unit operations. 7. (过程):物系状态发生变化的经过 8. (物系):作为研究对象的物质
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