A.G. Evans et al. Journal of the European Ceramic Society 28(2008)1405-1419 1417 Tetragonality c/a Acknowledgements 1005101010151.0201.025 This publication incorporates ideas developed under research 98000000 programs sponsored by the Office of Naval Research (MURINOO014-00-1-0438)and the National Science Founda- tion(DMR-0605700, DMR-0099695) References 1. Miller, R. A, Thermal barrier coatings for aircraft engines: history and directions. J. Therm Spray Technol., 1997, 6(1), 35-42. 2. Evans. A. G. Mumm. D. R. Hutchinson. J. W. Meier. G. H. and Pettit. F. S, Mechanisms controlling the durability of thermal barrier coatings. Prog 000050.010001500200025 Mater:Sci.,2001,46(5),505-553 △ca 3. Clarke, D.R., Stress generation during high-temperature oxidation of metal- lic alloys. Curr. Opin. Solid State Mater. Sci, 2002, 6(3), 237-244 Fig. 17. Trend in toughness with tetragonality for the compositions marked 4. Levi, C G, Emerging materials and processes for thermal barrier systems. Fig. 14b. From left: 15.2YO15, 7.6Y01.5. 7.6Y015-7.6TiOz: and Irr Opin. Solid State Mater. Sci., 2004, 8, 77-91 76Y015-152TiO2 5. Clarke, D. R. and Levi, C. G, Materials design for the next generation nermal barrier coatings Annit. Rev. Mater: Sci., 2003, 33(1). 38-417 6. Patdture, N, Gell, M. and Jordan. E, Thermal barrier coatings for gas- turbine engine applications. Science, 2002, 296, 280-284. 7. Stiger, M.J., Yanar, N. M., Toppings, M. G, Pettit, F. S and Meier, G. H, Thermal barrier coatings for the 21st century. Z. Metall, 1999, 90, 1069 8. Wright, P. K, Influence of cyclic strain on life of a PVD TBC. Mater. Sci O and Demange, D, Thermal diffusivity and conductivity of Zn-YO2-x/2 (x=0, 0.084 and 0.179) single crystals. J. Eur. Ceram. Soc., 2004, 24 乏1000 3081-3089 10. Maloney, M.J., Thermal barrier coating systems and materials. US Patent No.6,117,560,2000. 高品卫 11. Maloney, M.J., Thermal barrier coating systems and materials. US Patent No.6,177,200,2001 12. Vassen, R, Cao. X, Tietz, F, Basu, D. and Stover, D, Zirconates as new materials for thermal barrier coatings. J. Am. Ceram. Soc. 2000 13. Suresh, G, Seenivasan, G, Krishnaiah, M. K and Murti, P. S, Investigation of the thermal conductivity of selected compounds of lanthanum, samarium and europium. J Alloys Compd., 1998, 269, L9-L12 14. Fevre. M.. Finel. A. Caudron. R. and Mevrel. R. Local order and thermal ed zirconia. Il. Numerical and experimental 4006008001000120014001600 investigations of thermal conductivity. Phys. Rev. B, 2005, 72, 104118 Temperature(C) 15. Stecura, S, Optimization of the NiCrAl-Y/LrO2-Y203 Thermal Barrie System, NASA TM-86905. NASA, Cleveland, OH, 1985 (b)16FhhO,则mgC, Zinkevich, M, Levi, C. G. and Al山F ystem.J Phase equilibr DiffiLs, 2005, 26, 591-604 17. Winter, M and Clarke, D R, Oxide materials with low thermal conductivity oC,2007,902),533-540 18. Nicholls, J.R., Lawson, K J, Johnstone, A and Rickerby, D. S, Methods to reduce the thermal conductivity of EB-PVD TBCs. Surf Coat. Technol. 2002,151-152,383-391. 19. Zhu, D and Miller, R. A Thermal conductivity and sintering behavior of advanced TBCs. Ceram. Eng. Sci. Proc., 2002, 23(4), 457-468 20. Lehmann, H, Pitzer, D, Pracht, G, Vassen, R. and Stover, D, Thermal nductivity and thermal expansion coefficients of the l element zirconate system. J. Am. Ceram. Soc., 2003, 86(8), 1338-1344 vans. AG. Fleck. N. Darolia, R Scaling laws governing the erosion and impact resistance of 10m hermal barrier coatings. Wear, 2006. 260, 886-89 22. Evans. A. G. and Hutchinson. J. W. The mechanics of coating delamination in thermal gradients. Surf. Coat. Technol., 2007, 201, 7905-7916 Fig. 18.(a) The yield strength of 7-YSZ as a function of temperature (b)A kink 23. Mercer, C, Williams, J. R, Clarke, D R. and Evans, A.G., On a ferroelas- band induced in a columnar material by impressing at 1100.C: note the plastic tic mechanism governing the toughness of metastable tetragonal-prime(t bending of the 7-YSZ across the ban yttria-stabilized zirconia. Proc. Royal Soc. Ser. A, 2007, 463, 1393-1408.A.G. Evans et al. / Journal of the European Ceramic Society 28 (2008) 1405–1419 1417 Fig. 17. Trend in toughness with tetragonality for the compositions marked in Fig. 14b.24 From left: 15.2YO1.5, 7.6YO1.5, 7.6YO1.5–7.6TiO2 and 7.6YO1.5–15.2TiO2. Fig. 18. (a) The yield strength of 7-YSZ as a function of temperature. (b) A kink band induced in a columnar material by impressing at 1100 ◦C: note the plastic bending of the 7-YSZ across the band. Acknowledgements This publication incorporates ideas developed under research programs sponsored by the Office of Naval Research (MURI/N00014-00-1-0438) and the National Science Founda￾tion (DMR-0605700, DMR-0099695). References 1. Miller, R. A., Thermal barrier coatings for aircraft engines: history and directions. J. Therm. Spray Technol., 1997, 6(1), 35–42. 2. Evans, A. G., Mumm, D. R., Hutchinson, J. W., Meier, G. H. and Pettit, F. S., Mechanisms controlling the durability of thermal barrier coatings. Prog. Mater. Sci., 2001, 46(5), 505–553. 3. Clarke, D. R., Stress generation during high-temperature oxidation of metal￾lic alloys. Curr. Opin. Solid State Mater. Sci., 2002, 6(3), 237–244. 4. Levi, C. G., Emerging materials and processes for thermal barrier systems. Curr. Opin. Solid State Mater. Sci., 2004, 8, 77–91. 5. Clarke, D. R. and Levi, C. G., Materials design for the next generation thermal barrier coatings. Annu. Rev. Mater. Sci., 2003, 33(1), 383–417. 6. Patdture, N., Gell, M. and Jordan, E., Thermal barrier coatings for gas￾turbine engine applications. Science, 2002, 296, 280–284. 7. Stiger, M. J., Yanar, N. M., Toppings, M. G., Pettit, F. S. and Meier, G. H., Thermal barrier coatings for the 21st century. Z. Metall., 1999, 90, 1069. 8. Wright, P. K., Influence of cyclic strain on life of a PVD TBC. Mater. Sci. Eng. A, 1998, 245(2), 191–200. 9. Mevrel, R., Laizet, J. C., Azzopardi, A., Leclercq, B., Poulain, M., Lavigne, ´ O. and Demange, D., Thermal diffusivity and conductivity of Zrl−xYxO2−x/2 (x = 0, 0.084 and 0.179) single crystals. J. Eur. Ceram. Soc., 2004, 24, 3081–3089. 10. Maloney, M. J., Thermal barrier coating systems and materials. US Patent No. 6,117,560, 2000. 11. Maloney, M. J., Thermal barrier coating systems and materials. US Patent No. 6,177,200, 2001. 12. Vassen, R., Cao, X., Tietz, F., Basu, D. and Stover, D., Zirconates as ¨ new materials for thermal barrier coatings. J. Am. Ceram. Soc., 2000, 83, 2023–2028. 13. Suresh, G., Seenivasan, G., Krishnaiah, M. K. and Murti, P. S., Investigation of the thermal conductivity of selected compounds of lanthanum, samarium and europium. J. Alloys Compd., 1998, 269, L9–L12. 14. Fevre, M., Finel, A., Caudron, R. and Mevrel, R., Local order and thermal conductivity in yttria-stabilized zirconia. II. Numerical and experimental investigations of thermal conductivity. Phys. Rev. B, 2005, 72, 104118. 15. Stecura, S., Optimization of the NiCrAl–Y/ZrO2–Y2O3 Thermal Barrier System, NASA TM-86905. NASA, Cleveland, OH, 1985. 16. Fabrichnaya, O., Wang, C., Zinkevich, M., Levi, C. G. and Aldinger, F., Phase equilibria and thermodynamic properties of the ZrO2–GdO1.5–YO1.5 system. J. Phase Equilibr. Diffus., 2005, 26, 591–604. 17. Winter, M. and Clarke, D. R., Oxide materials with low thermal conductivity. J. Am. Ceram. Soc., 2007, 90(2), 533–540. 18. Nicholls, J. R., Lawson, K. J., Johnstone, A. and Rickerby, D. S., Methods to reduce the thermal conductivity of EB-PVD TBCs. Surf. Coat. Technol., 2002, 151–152, 383–391. 19. Zhu, D. and Miller, R. A., Thermal conductivity and sintering behavior of advanced TBCs. Ceram. Eng. Sci. Proc., 2002, 23(4), 457–468. 20. Lehmann, H., Pitzer, D., Pracht, G., Vassen, R. and Stover, D., Thermal ¨ conductivity and thermal expansion coefficients of the lanthanum rare-earth￾element zirconate system. J. Am. Ceram. Soc., 2003, 86(8), 1338–1344. 21. Evans, A. G., Fleck, N. A., Faulhaber, S., Vermaak, N., Maloney, M. and Darolia, R., Scaling laws governing the erosion and impact resistance of thermal barrier coatings. Wear, 2006, 260, 886–894. 22. Evans, A. G. and Hutchinson, J. W., The mechanics of coating delamination in thermal gradients. Surf. Coat. Technol., 2007, 201, 7905–7916. 23. Mercer, C., Williams, J. R., Clarke, D. R. and Evans, A. G., On a ferroelas￾tic mechanism governing the toughness of metastable tetragonal-prime (t ) yttria-stabilized zirconia. Proc. Royal Soc. Ser. A, 2007, 463, 1393–1408
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