·1634 工程科学学报,第38卷,第11期 2.0 (a ------Ar:H.=3:1 但对基体的加热能力却逐渐增强:基体上表面温度逐 1.8 ---ArH,=21 渐升高的同时,基体表面温度均匀性变差.其他条件 …AH,=l --…ArH=1:2 不变的前提下,氩氢摩尔比为1:2时能获得适宜金刚 12 --ArH=1:3 1 石生长且相对均匀的基体表面温度 0.8 0.6 0.4 参考文献 0.2 10 (b) [Busch J V,Dismukes J P.Trends and market perspectives for CVD diamond.Diamond Relat Mater,1994,3(4):295 10 2]Matsumoto S,Manabe Y,Hibino Y.Diamond deposition using an ------Ar:H=3:1 么 X-Y stage in a de plasma jet chemical vapour deposition.I Mater ---ArH-2:1 …Ar,=l Sci,1992,27(21):5905 10 --ArH,=:2 B]Ohtake N,Yoshikawa M.Nucleation effects and characteristics of --ArH,=13 10 diamond film grown by are discharge plasma jet chemical vapor 10 (c) deposition.Thin Solid Films,1992,212(1):112 4]Lii F X,Huang T B,Tang WZ,et al.Instabilities on diamond film growth by high power DC are plasma jet method.Trans Mater 10P ArH,=322 Heat Treat,2001,22(1):46 ---ArH-2:1 (吕反修,黄天斌,唐伟忠,等.直流电弧等离子体喷射金刚 10 --…ArH=1:2 石厚膜生长不稳定性问题.材料热处理学报,2001,22(1): -ArH,=1:3 46) 0.02 0.04 0.060.08 0.100.12 [5]Li C M,Zhu R H,Liu J L,et al.Effect of arc characteristics on m the properties of large size diamond wafer prepared by DC arc plas- 图6气压为8kP、不同氩氢摩尔比条件下等离子体放电区域特 ma jet CVD.Diamond Relat Mater,2013,39:47 征分布.(a)温度:(b)电流密度:()速度 6 Chen G C,Li B,Li H,et al.In situ observation of nucleation by Fig.6 Distribution of parameters in the DC arc plasma discharge re- optical emission spectra in CVD diamond.Diamond Relat Mater, gion at different argon-to-hydrogen mole ratios and a pressure of8 2010,19(1):15 kPa:(a)temperature:(b)current density:(c)velocity [7]Li C M,Wang L M,Chen L X,et al.Free-standing diamond films deposited by DC arc plasma jet on graphite substrates with a 1600 4ArH,=3:1实测值 ---ArH,=3:1模拟值 destroyable Ti interlayer.Diamond Relat Mater,2009,18(11): ·ArH=2:1实测值 ArH,=2:1模拟值 1348 1400 ·ArH,=1:1实测值 ArH,-1:1模拟值 [8]Liu J,Hei L F,Song J H,et al.High-rate homoepitaxial growth ·AH,=1:2实测值 一··AH,=1:2模拟值 ·AH=1:3实测值一·一ArH=1:3模拟值 of CVD single crystal diamond by de are plasma jet at blow-down 1200 (open cycle)mode.Diamond Relat Mater,2014,46:42 Zhu Z Y,Chen G C,Tang W Z,et al.OES study of the gas 1O0 phase during diamond films deposition in high power DC are plas- ma jet CVD system.Chin Phys,2006,15(5):980 800 0o] Colombo V,Ghedini E,Sanibondi P.Two-temperature thermo- 600 dynamic and transport properties of argon-hydrogen and nitrogen- hydrogen plasmas.J Phys D,2009,42(5):055213 0.01 0.05 01] r/m Cressault Y,Gleizes A.Thermodynamic properties and transport coefficients in Ar-H2-Cu plasmas.J Phys D.2004,37(4): 图7气压为8kP、不同氩氢摩尔比条件基体上表面温度分布 560 Fig.7 Distribution of temperature on the substrate surface at differ- 02] Murphy A B,Arundelli C J.Transport coefficients of argon,ni- ent argon-o-hydrogen mole ratios and a pressure of 8 kPa trogen,oxygen,argon-nitrogen,and argon-oxygen plasmas. Plasma Chem Plasma Process,1994,14(4):451 实际工况的低压氩一氢等离子体的热力学和输运性质 03] Han P,Chen X,Li H P.On the correct form of the Saha equa- 参数峰值或峰值温度区间影响较大,进而对直流电弧 tion for two-temperature plasmas.Chin Phys Lett,1999,16(3): 等离子体放电特征产生影响. 193 (2)当气压为8kPa、工作电流150A和氩氢摩尔 041 Wang H X,Sun S R,Chen S Q.Calculation of twotemperature transport coefficients of helium plasma.Acta Phys Sin,2012,61 比由3:1降至1:3时,上游区域的高温等离子体半径有 (19):195203 逐渐减小的趋势;等离子体最大流速由829m·s增至 (王海兴,孙素蓉,陈士强.双温度氨等离子体输运性质计 1127m·s';最高温度由20600K逐渐降低至16800K, 算.物理学报,2012,61(19):195203)工程科学学报,第 38 卷,第 11 期 图 6 气压为 8 kPa、不同氩氢摩尔比条件下等离子体放电区域特 征分布. ( a) 温度; ( b) 电流密度; ( c) 速度 Fig. 6 Distribution of parameters in the DC arc plasma discharge re￾gion at different argon-to-hydrogen mole ratios and a pressure of 8 kPa: ( a) temperature; ( b) current density; ( c) velocity 图 7 气压为 8 kPa、不同氩氢摩尔比条件基体上表面温度分布 Fig. 7 Distribution of temperature on the substrate surface at differ￾ent argon-to-hydrogen mole ratios and a pressure of 8 kPa 实际工况的低压氩--氢等离子体的热力学和输运性质 参数峰值或峰值温度区间影响较大,进而对直流电弧 等离子体放电特征产生影响. ( 2) 当气压为 8 kPa、工作电流 150 A 和氩氢摩尔 比由 3∶ 1降至 1∶ 3时,上游区域的高温等离子体半径有 逐渐减小的趋势; 等离子体最大流速由 829 m·s - 1 增至 1127 m·s - 1 ; 最高温度由 20600 K 逐渐降低至 16800 K, 但对基体的加热能力却逐渐增强; 基体上表面温度逐 渐升高的同时,基体表面温度均匀性变差. 其他条件 不变的前提下,氩氢摩尔比为 1∶ 2时能获得适宜金刚 石生长且相对均匀的基体表面温度. 参 考 文 献 [1] Busch J V,Dismukes J P. Trends and market perspectives for CVD diamond. Diamond Relat Mater,1994,3( 4) : 295 [2] Matsumoto S,Manabe Y,Hibino Y. Diamond deposition using an X - Y stage in a dc plasma jet chemical vapour deposition. J Mater Sci,1992,27( 21) : 5905 [3] Ohtake N,Yoshikawa M. Nucleation effects and characteristics of diamond film grown by arc discharge plasma jet chemical vapor deposition. Thin Solid Films,1992,212( 1) : 112 [4] Lü F X,Huang T B,Tang W Z,et al. Instabilities on diamond film growth by high power DC arc plasma jet method. Trans Mater Heat Treat,2001,22( 1) : 46 ( 吕反修,黄天斌,唐伟忠,等. 直流电弧等离子体喷射金刚 石厚膜生长不稳定性问题. 材料热处理学报,2001,22( 1) : 46) [5] Li C M,Zhu R H,Liu J L,et al. Effect of arc characteristics on the properties of large size diamond wafer prepared by DC arc plas￾ma jet CVD. Diamond Relat Mater,2013,39: 47 [6] Chen G C,Li B,Li H,et al. In situ observation of nucleation by optical emission spectra in CVD diamond. Diamond Relat Mater, 2010,19( 1) : 15 [7] Li C M,Wang L M,Chen L X,et al. Free-standing diamond films deposited by DC arc plasma jet on graphite substrates with a destroyable Ti interlayer. Diamond Relat Mater,2009,18( 11) : 1348 [8] Liu J,Hei L F,Song J H,et al. 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