Listen and speak圆 ●●●●● ●●●● ●●0 ●●● o Listen to the conversation and tick the correct ●●●● answer to each question How did the father command the son to come over? Key: a 2. What were bills exam results according to his father? Key:c Turn to p. 135, and let's listen Why diut Dm uo w Key. a 4. What does the father think bill must do? Key:cListen and speak 1. How did the father command the son to come over? Key: a 2. What were Bill’s exam results, according to his father? Key: c 3. Why didn’t Bill do well in the exams? Key: a 4. What does the father think Bill must do? Key: c Turn to p. 135, and let’s listen. ⚫ Listen to the conversation and tick the correct answer to each question
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