Alkylbenzenes Benzoic acid derivatives can be made by the oxidation of alkylbenzenes with either hot KMnO4 or hot chromic acid. The vigorous conditions means this can only be used when there are no oxidizable groups present in the molecule. E.g. CH3 Na2Cr2O7.H2SO4 CH-CH3 heat COH or KMnO4,H2O Heat C Ch20 Carboxylic Acids (landscape) Page 14 Ch20 Carboxylic Acids (landscape) Page 14 Alkylbenzenes Benzoic acid derivatives can be made by the oxidation of alkylbenzenes with either hot KMnO4 or hot chromic acid. The vigorous conditions means this can only be used when there are no oxidizable groups present in the molecule. E.g. Cl CH CH3 CH3 Na2Cr2O7 , H2SO4 heat or KMnO4 , H2O Heat Cl CO2H
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