CH:CH2CH2 .8H BrC-O Oxidation of 1 Alcohols H ·1°alcohol to aldehyde to carboxylic acid Difficult to stop at aldehyde Use pyridinium chlorochromate(PCC) to limit the oxidation. PCC can also be used to oxidize 2 alcohols to ketenes. OH N-H 0 CH:CH2CH2CH2 CH:CH2CH2CH Chapter 11 7CH3CH2CH2 C H H Br O H H _  +  Chapter 11 7 Oxidation of 1° Alcohols • 1° alcohol to aldehyde to carboxylic acid • Difficult to stop at aldehyde • Use pyridinium chlorochromate (PCC) to limit the oxidation. • PCC can also be used to oxidize 2° alcohols to ketones. CH3CH2CH2CH2 OH N H CrO3Cl CH3CH2CH2CH O =>
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