Objective To master the concept of stress know the clas cation of stre al adaptation s To understand ephrine neurons sympathetic adrenal med sources of AP I8eamermt9lgplnafthentckpngegafaStis2oehebastcomponensandbastcuncdionofHsrs ances,gonadal。 Teaching contents enehrepondofsres nses of Body Experiment Animal model of stress diseases and discuss the mechanism of stress diseases Chapter 9 Coagulation-anticoagulation balance and imbalance of haemostatic system Objective To master mechanism of DIC know the causes of DI antbpesO0eorstoDg To master m chanisn To learn dysfunction of multiple organs Teaching contents Etiology and Mechanism of DIC niand Metablic Changeof DI E赵periment no Chapter 10 Shock Objective To master the concept of shock and to learn the history of shock lo understand the classification of shock. hcaocieubiondscerioUnderstana1hecompeneaiaegnicanceofmicoeraulaahangesoieamcinical manifestation.Objective To master the concept of stress know the classification of stressor To understand the concept, stages and manifestations of general adaptation syndrome To understand neuroendocrine responses to stress (mainly the locus ceruleus norepinephrine neurons sympathetic / adrenal medulla axis, hypothalamus pituitary adrenal cortex axis and hormones). To learn other endocrine responses. To master the concept of acute phase protein (AP). To understand biological function of AP, to learn the components and sources of AP. To master the concept of heat shock protein (HSPs). To learn the basic components and basic function of HSPs. To learn metabolism and function changes of stress onto body. To master the concept and mechanism of stress ulcer, to learn the relation of stress with cardiovascular disturbances, endocrine disturbances, gonadal axis disturbance, psychosocial disturbance. Teaching contents Introduction General Respond of Stress Cellular and Humoral Responses Functional and Metabolic Responses of Body Stress -related Diseases Experiment Animal model of stress diseases and discuss the mechanism of stress diseases Chapter 9 Coagulation-anticoagulation balance and imbalance of haemostatic system Objective To master mechanism of DIC know the causes of DIC To understand predisposing factors to DIC To learn stages and types of DIC To master mechanism of bleeding of DIC (especially FDPs). To understand mechanism of shock and anemia To learn dysfunction of multiple organs Teaching contents Etiology and Mechanism of DIC Predisposing Factors to DIC Stages and Types of DIC Functional and Metabolic Changes of DIC Experiment no Chapter 10 Shock Objective To master the concept of shock and to learn the history of shock To understand the classification of shock. To master the change of microcirculation and tissue blood volume in ischemic anoxia stage, the mechanism of microcirculation disorders. To understand the compensative significance of microcirculation changes. To learn clinical manifestation
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