工程科学学报,第37卷,第7期:919927,2015年7月 Chinese Journal of Engineering,Vol.37,No.7:919-927,July 2015 DOI:10.13374/j.issn2095-9389.2015.07.014:http://journals.ustb.edu.cn 高硅钢近柱状晶初始组织的形变、再结晶行为及磁 性能 刘 璐”,张宁”,杨平区,秦镜”,毛卫民12),叶丰) 1)北京科技大学材料科学与工程学院,北京1000832)北京科技大学新金属材料国家重点实验室,北京100083 区通信作者,E-mail:yangp(@mater.usth.ed.cm 摘要采用电子背散射衍射技术对高硅钢近柱状晶初始组织直接热轧、温轧、冷轧和退火组织及织构演变进行分析,并测 定相应退火板的磁性能.该实验条件下组织与织构演变规律体现了表层剪切细小组织和中心层粗大组织的竞争关系,其中 中心层组织与原始立方取向相关或表现为α线取向.柱状晶的影响在最终退火组织中仍存在,少量立方取向区域可遗传到 最终退火板中,虽然没有大量出现,仍有效削弱了{111}织构.形变退火过程中与原始立方取向线有关的晶粒尺寸普遍较大, 有利于磁性.样品最终的磁感应强度低于文献报导的强{120〈001》或{100(021〉织构样品,但高于普通无取向高硅钢,且 轧向和横向磁感应强度值差异小,所以柱状晶组织有利于无取向高硅钢的制备. 关键词高硅钢:柱状品:形变;再结晶:磁性能:织构 分类号TG142.77;TG335.5·5 Deformation,recrystallization behaviors and magnetic properties of high silicon steel with an initial near columnar-grained structure LIU Lu,ZHANG Ning,YANG Ping,QIN Jing,MAO Wei-min',YE Feng 1)School of Materials Science and Engineering,University of Science and Technology Beijing,Beijing 100083,China 2)State Key Laboratory for Advanced Metals and Materials,University of Science and Technology Beijing,Beijing 100083,China Corresponding author,E-mail:yangp@mater.ustb.edu.cn ABSTRACT High silicon steel with an initial near columnar-grained structure was directly hot-rolled and followed by subsequent warm-rolling,cold-rolling and annealing.Then its microstructure and texture were determined using electron backscatter diffraction, and the magnetic properties of annealed sheets were measured as well.For this high silicon steel,the microstructure and texture evolu- tion of initial near columnar-grained samples represent competitive behavior between fine shear-textured grains near the surface of sheets and coarse grains in the center layer of sheets,which are consisted of a-fiber grains or deformed original cube oriented grains. There are obvious effects of initial columnar grains in the whole process,and a small amount of cubeoriented regions are retained in final annealed sheets,thus the (111}fiber texture finally decreases.Furthermore,it is noticed that coarse recrystallized grains are generally related to original cube oriented grains and they are beneficial to the magnetic properties of final annealed sheets.The mag- netic properties of annealed sheets in this study are lower than those reported in literature in final sheets with sharp {120 (001)or (001(120)texture,while they are better than non-oriented high silicon steel.In addition,the difference of magnetic induction between the rolling direction and transverse direction of annealed sheets is small,thus the initial columnar-grained structure is potential to be used in making non-oriented high silicon steel. KEY WORDS silicon steel:columnar grains;deformation,recrystallization;magnetic properties:texture 收稿日期:201403-18 基金项目:国家高技术研究发展计划资助项目(2012AA03A505):国家自然科学基金资助项目(51071024)工程科学学报,第 37 卷,第 7 期: 919--927,2015 年 7 月 Chinese Journal of Engineering,Vol. 37,No. 7: 919--927,July 2015 DOI: 10. 13374 /j. issn2095--9389. 2015. 07. 014; http: / /journals. ustb. edu. cn 高硅钢近柱状晶初始组织的形变、再结晶行为及磁 性能 刘 璐1) ,张 宁1) ,杨 平1) ,秦 镜1) ,毛卫民1,2) ,叶 丰2) 1) 北京科技大学材料科学与工程学院,北京 100083 2) 北京科技大学新金属材料国家重点实验室,北京 100083  通信作者,E-mail: yangp@ mater. ustb. edu. cn 摘 要 采用电子背散射衍射技术对高硅钢近柱状晶初始组织直接热轧、温轧、冷轧和退火组织及织构演变进行分析,并测 定相应退火板的磁性能. 该实验条件下组织与织构演变规律体现了表层剪切细小组织和中心层粗大组织的竞争关系,其中 中心层组织与原始立方取向相关或表现为 α 线取向. 柱状晶的影响在最终退火组织中仍存在,少量立方取向区域可遗传到 最终退火板中,虽然没有大量出现,仍有效削弱了{ 111} 织构. 形变退火过程中与原始立方取向线有关的晶粒尺寸普遍较大, 有利于磁性. 样品最终的磁感应强度低于文献报导的强{ 120} 〈001〉或{ 100} 〈021〉织构样品,但高于普通无取向高硅钢,且 轧向和横向磁感应强度值差异小,所以柱状晶组织有利于无取向高硅钢的制备. 关键词 高硅钢; 柱状晶; 形变; 再结晶; 磁性能; 织构 分类号 TG142. 77; TG335. 5 + 5 收稿日期: 2014--03--18 基金项目: 国家高技术研究发展计划资助项目( 2012AA03A505) ; 国家自然科学基金资助项目( 51071024) Deformation,recrystallization behaviors and magnetic properties of high silicon steel with an initial near columnar-grained structure LIU Lu1) ,ZHANG Ning1) ,YANG Ping1)  ,QIN Jing1) ,MAO Wei-min1,2) ,YE Feng2) 1) School of Materials Science and Engineering,University of Science and Technology Beijing,Beijing 100083,China 2) State Key Laboratory for Advanced Metals and Materials,University of Science and Technology Beijing,Beijing 100083,China  Corresponding author,E-mail: yangp@ mater. ustb. edu. cn ABSTRACT High silicon steel with an initial near columnar-grained structure was directly hot-rolled and followed by subsequent warm-rolling,cold-rolling and annealing. Then its microstructure and texture were determined using electron backscatter diffraction, and the magnetic properties of annealed sheets were measured as well. For this high silicon steel,the microstructure and texture evolu￾tion of initial near columnar-grained samples represent competitive behavior between fine shear-textured grains near the surface of sheets and coarse grains in the center layer of sheets,which are consisted of α-fiber grains or deformed original cube oriented grains. There are obvious effects of initial columnar grains in the whole process,and a small amount of cube-oriented regions are retained in final annealed sheets,thus the { 111} -fiber texture finally decreases. Furthermore,it is noticed that coarse recrystallized grains are generally related to original cube oriented grains and they are beneficial to the magnetic properties of final annealed sheets. The mag￾netic properties of annealed sheets in this study are lower than those reported in literature in final sheets with sharp { 120} 〈001〉or { 001} 〈120〉texture,while they are better than non-oriented high silicon steel. In addition,the difference of magnetic induction between the rolling direction and transverse direction of annealed sheets is small,thus the initial columnar-grained structure is potential to be used in making non-oriented high silicon steel. KEY WORDS silicon steel; columnar grains; deformation,recrystallization; magnetic properties; texture
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