Recombination of Y-J gene segment of the Kappa chain 5 Germline DNA 阝 L YK2 L J1J2J3J4J5 Ck Rearrangement of DNA 5'B cell DNA LYKI L YK2 LYK3J2J3J4J5 Primary RNA Transcription 】R%下 VK3动2J34J5 A-A-A- VK3 2C Poly A tail Light Chain Gene Organization There are three peptide segments in each L chain and are coded by three distinct genes, V,J,and C.In the kappa family there are a large number of V gene segments and five joining (J)segments and a single C segn ment.By ontrast,in the lambda family,there are fewer V gene segments and a similar number of J genes but several C genes.The V and J gene segments encode V regions and C genes encode C regions.The L chain is encoded by three distinct gene segments that must be joined to form a functional antibody gene. Joining of Gene Segments During the r ess of differentiation of a pluripotent stem cell into a mature antigen reactive B cell,DNA rearrangements take place.In the kappa family one of the many B gene segments will become joined directly to one of the J gene segments.The V-J segment will be joined to the C segment to form a functional antibody gene.The joining of these segments is brought about through the activity of recombinase enzymes. Each germline V gene contains a region encoding the V segment and a leader sequence The leader sequence encodes a leader peptide that controls passage of new proteinLight Chain Gene Organization There are three peptide segments in each L chain and are coded by three distinct genes, V, J, and C. In the kappa family there are a large number of V gene segments and five joining (J) segments and a single C segment. By contrast, in the lambda family, there are fewer V gene segments and a similar number of J genes but several C genes. The V and J gene segments encode V regions and C genes encode C regions. The L chain is encoded by three distinct gene segments that must be joined to form a functional antibody gene. Joining of Gene Segments During the process of differentiation of a pluripotent stem cell into a mature antigen reactive B cell, DNA rearrangements take place. In the kappa family one of the many B gene segments will become joined directly to one of the J gene segments. The V-J segment will be joined to the C segment to form a functional antibody gene. The joining of these segments is brought about through the activity of recombinase enzymes. Each germline V gene contains a region encoding the V segment and a leader sequence. The leader sequence encodes a leader peptide that controls passage of new protein
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