Note On The Topic Before You Read Reading Further Information 哈里斯太太:失去这些珍宝中国一定非常痛心。这些手稿年代 很久远了吗? 许教授:是的,其中就有世界上最早的印刷本。不过,手稿中 的文化知识却因此传播到了世界各地,在今天,国际专家组正 以文化合作的方式为所有的敦煌手稿制作电子档案来跟全世界 分享。当然,同时经济发展也在继续,新的风电场在紧邻丝绸 之路中国段的沙漠地区建了起来。中外游客造访已被掩埋的古 城,比如和田,或观赏位于乌鲁木齐的著名绿洲,或探索敦煌 的洞窟壁画,丝绸之路沿线的文化交流也在这些中外游客之中 传承着。 AMrs Harris: Losing those precious treasures from China must have been very painful. Were the manuscripts very old? Professor Xu: Yes, one was the world’s earliest printed book. It was printed in 868 AD. However, the cultural knowledge in the manuscripts has spread around the world and today, through Cultural collaboration, international teams of experts are making a digital archive of all the Dunhuang manuscripts to share with the world. Of course, at the same time, economic development continues, with new wind farms being built in the desert areas that fringe many of the Chinese sections of the routes. Cultural exchange along the Silk Road continues to take place between Chinese and international tourists, who visit the sites of ancient cities that have been buried such as Khotan, or go to see the famous oasis at Urumchi, or explore the cave murals at Dunhuang. a place in the desert where there is water and plants and trees grow 哈里斯太太:失去这些珍宝中国一定非常痛心。这些手稿年代 很久远了吗? 许教授:是的,其中就有世界上最早的印刷本。不过,手稿中 的文化知识却因此传播到了世界各地,在今天,国际专家组正 以文化合作的方式为所有的敦煌手稿制作电子档案来跟全世界 分享。当然,同时经济发展也在继续,新的风电场在紧邻丝绸 之路中国段的沙漠地区建了起来。中外游客造访已被掩埋的古 城,比如和田,或观赏位于乌鲁木齐的著名绿洲,或探索敦煌 的洞窟壁画,丝绸之路沿线的文化交流也在这些中外游客之中 传承着。 Reading E Note On The Topic Before You Read Further Information
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