Note On The Topic Before You Read Reading Further Information 哈里斯太太:那丝绸之路的主要路线现在还走得通吗?我听说有些已 经一一还是说这也是七大误解之一? 许教授:大多数原始路线都已经被侵蚀了,或是经年累月被沙漠掩埋, 或是在朝代更迭中被毁坏。不管怎样,丝绸之路的遗产还在:其中最 为典型的要数敦煌的莫高窟了,20世纪初(此时丝绸之路最起码已经被 遗忘了5个世纪了),马可·奥莱尔·斯坦因和其他一些欧洲人在那里 发现了近800个藏经洞,它们在4一14世纪一直处于幽闭状态。这些洞 窟真是让人叹为观止;其中492个洞窟都装饰以精美绝伦的壁画和绘画, 几乎每幅画都体现了中国元素和其他异域影响的融合。探险家马 可·奥莱尔·斯坦因和他的同事们将数千件古代手稿带到了伦敦、巴 黎、圣彼得堡和日本一一这一点很有争议性,与此同时,中国学者则 把剩下的文物转移到北京妥善保存。Mrs Harris: Are the major Silk Road routes passable today? I’ve heard that some are — or this just another myth? Professor Xu: Most of the original routes have been , or covered up by the desert over time, or destroyed by successive empires. However, the Silk Road legacy lives on: this is especially seen in the Mogao caves at Dunhuang, where and other Europeans in the early twentieth century (five centuries or more after the Silk Road had been forgotten) found around 800 caves which had been occupied between the fourth and fourteenth centuries. These caves are quite :492 are decorated with murals and paintings, and nearly every one shows Chinese elements with other international influences. The explorer Marc Aurel Stein and colleagues — very controversially — took thousands of ancient manuscripts to London, Paris, St Petersburg and Japan, while Chinese scholars removed others for safekeeping to Beijing. Marc Aurel Stein eroded extremely impressive or beautiful extremely beautiful and delicate breathtaking exquisite to gradually reduce the strength or importance of something, or to be gradually reduced in this way Reading E Note On The Topic Before You Read E a mingling of mixing together Further Information Sir Marc Aurel Stein (1862–1943) was a Hungarian-British archaeologist who discovered many fragments of the ancient Silk Road in Central Asia, including the Mogao caves in Dunhuang in modern Gansu in 1907. The earliest printed book referred to in the textis known as the Diamond Sutra; it and around 40,000 scrolls were removed from the Mogao caves by Stein and his colleagues. 哈里斯太太:那丝绸之路的主要路线现在还走得通吗?我听说有些已 经——还是说这也是七大误解之一? 许教授:大多数原始路线都已经被侵蚀了,或是经年累月被沙漠掩埋, 或是在朝代更迭中被毁坏。不管怎样,丝绸之路的遗产还在:其中最 为典型的要数敦煌的莫高窟了,20世纪初(此时丝绸之路最起码已经被 遗忘了5个世纪了),马可·奥莱尔·斯坦因和其他一些欧洲人在那里 发现了近800个藏经洞,它们在4—14世纪一直处于幽闭状态。这些洞 窟真是让人叹为观止;其中492个洞窟都装饰以精美绝伦的壁画和绘画, 几乎每幅画都体现了中国元素和其他异域影响的融合。探险家马 可·奥莱尔·斯坦因和他的同事们将数千件古代手稿带到了伦敦、巴 黎、圣彼得堡和日本——这一点很有争议性,与此同时,中国学者则 把剩下的文物转移到北京妥善保存
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