5.1.2 Illustration of Effects of Group Delay and Attenuation Consider the system having system function: (1-.98ej.8rz1)(1-98e-j.8rz-1) H() (1-.8ej.4πz-1)(1-.8e-j.4rz-1) 18阶,8个2重极点, H1(z) 2个单极点 4 (c陵-z-1)ck-z1)】 X k=1 (1-cz-1)1-c陵z1) H2(z)allpass system 2(z) with ck=0.95e(.15r+.02 k)for k=1,2,3,4 22◆Consider the system having system function: 5.1.2 Illustration of Effects of Group Delay and Attenuation × H2 (z) allpass system 22 18阶, 8个2重极点, 2个单极点