266 Chapter7 Training and Development learned.Another study found that managerial trainees performed better when exposed to behavioral modeling for computer training than to computer-assisted instruction(Gist, Schwoerer,Rosen,1989).These studies indicate that both managerial and nonmanagerial employees can benefit from behavioral modeling in terms of computer skill development and demonstration. Social learning theory is a broad-based approach that includes self-efficacy.goal setting. and feedback,which are important aspects of the learning process that occur in training.As we will discuss further in Chapter 8,these three concepts are also important parts of moti- Self-efficacy Belief in vational theory and practice.Self-efficacy,the belief in one's capability to perform a spe- g的nGap时bliyt每P4roma cific task or reach a specific goal,enhances trainees'motivation,learning,and subsequent p代ak储ha performance on the job (Bandura,1997:Colquitt et al.,2000).Trainees high in self-efficacy specific goal are likely to attempt difficult tasks both in training and back on the job.Researchers have found that self-efficacy plays an important role in a variety of training programs,including negotiation skills training.computer software training,and training in innovative problem solving.Training specialists can increase trainees'self-efficacy by using behavioral mode- ling and by providing words of encouragement.Machin(2002)and Noe (2010)noted that trainees'self-efficacy levels can also be increased in the following ways: 1. Before training begins,providing as much information as possible about the training program and the purpose of training 2 Reducing perceived threats to trainees by initially emphasizing learning outcomes and de-emphasizing performance outcomes,which become more important after training Showing employees the training success of peers in similar jobs Helping trainees develop better learning strategies to use during training,such as summarizing main points and using memory aids to help retention Goal setting Motwational Goal setting can strengthen trainee motivation and self-efficacy,which in turn are help- appmoach in which specific ful in enhancing learning and skill acquisition in training.A great deal of research indicates difficult geals direct that specific,difficult goals improve performance in training and on the job(Austin a或tention and improve performance in training and Vancouver,1996).For example,a recent meta-analysis(Mesmer-Magnus Viswesvaran, on the job 2007)indicated that setting pre-training goals resulted in higher post-training performance than when no goals were set.Thus,trainers should encourage trainees to set specific,diffi- cult goals,which help to direct and focus their attention on the most important tasks. Machin (2002)emphasized the importance of goal setting and suggested that trainers ensure that all trainees have the following: 1. Clear short-term goals for the training program (e.g."I will complete all of the required modules in the allocated time) 2 Short-term goals for the immediate transfer of their training (e.g."I will begin to use my new knowledge and skills at the first opportunity I have") Long-term goals that focus on continued mastery and use of training content (e.g.. "I will seek feedback from my supervisor and peers after one month and continue to review my progress each month") Feedback Knewledge of Feedback is also important in enhancing learning and performance in training and on the resultsofon的a长tonL the job.Feedback enhances motivation and keeps goal-directed behavior on target. enhances leaming and Feedback about performance in training and on the job is most effective when it is accu- performance in training and 的eb rate,timely,and constructive (Goldstein Ford,2002).Managers should use a clear and nonthreatening manner when they deliver feedback,which should deal specifically with job-relevant behaviors(Kluger DeNisi,1996). Scanned by CamScannerScanned by CamScanner
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