4The acid-base reactions in non-aqueous solution can also be regarded as proton-transfer reactions.Example: the formation reaction of NHCl: H HCI+ NH NH C1- acid(1) base(2) acid(2) base(1) the neutralization reaction in liquid ammonia H NH CI+NaNH, 2NH,NaCl acid(1) base(2) acid(2)+base(1)④ The acid-base reactions in non-aqueous solution can also be regarded as proton-transfer reactions. Example: the formation reaction of NH4Cl: H+ the neutralization reaction in liquid ammonia : H+ + - HCl + NH NH + Cl 3 4 NH Cl NaNH 2NH NaCl 4 + 2 3 + acid(1) base(2) acid(2) base(1) acid(1) base(2) acid(2) + base(1)
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