attempt v.企图,尝试 intend v.想要,打算 target v.把 作为目标 .特定的,明确的 ethnic adj.种族的 effective adj.有效的 sound adj..正确的,合理的 go to great lengths to竭尽全力地(做) 2.Explain language and culture notes (1)various enthnic groups:Diiferent groups of people with different kinds of national, USfor may have inmind such ethnic c groups as Asian American,Mex icanAmerican Indians.et. (2)giving serious consideration to what it has to say:reading the advertisemen seriouly and carefully,which may result in your accepting what it says. (3)take a certain action:begin to do something that the advertisement says you should do. (4)think in a certain wav:think in the way that the advertisement persuades you to think 3.Play the tape recorder for the students. 4.Ask the students some questions about the conversations. 5.Ask the students to answer the questions in the book.Lead them to get the right P the list 6.Ask Ss to retell the conversation in their own words.They can use the following questions as guidelines. 1)Why did Joyce want to buy a pair of Adidas shoes? 2)Why did her father object to the idea? 3)What did the advertisement say about Adidas sports shoes and those who wore them? 4)What,according to Joyce's father,enabled track and field athletes to break world records? 5)What did the advertisement claim that Adidas would do to help runners as well as players of other sports? 6)Was Joys ther convinced in the end that Adidas was good?What was he still worried about? 7)What did Joyce tell her father that made him agree that she could buy the shoes? Step Four Oral Practice 1.Explain the sentence structures of advertising and ask the students to do the Exercise 2.Give them the following topics to discuss and then ask some students to give personal presentation. Topic:Doctors and educators agree that fast food is unhealthy food for children as it contains a high percentage of fat,salt and suger.Are you for or against the view that attempt v. 企图,尝试 intend v. 想要,打算 target v. 把…..作为目标 specific adj. 特定的,明确的 ethnic adj. 种族的 effective adj. 有效的 sound adj. 正确的,合理的 go to great lengths to 竭尽全力地(做) 2. Explain language and culture notes (1)various enthnic groups: Diiferent groups of people with different kinds of national, racial and cultural traditions. In the US, for example, advertisers may have in mind such ethnic groups as Asian American, Mexican American Indians, etc. (2) giving serious consideration to what it has to say: reading the advertisement seriouly and carefully, which may result in your accepting what it says. (3)take a certain action: begin to do something that the advertisement says you should do. (4) think in a certain way: think in the way that the advertisement persuades you to think. 3. Play the tape recorder for the students. 4. Ask the students some questions about the conversations. 5. Ask the students to answer the questions in the book. Lead them to get the right answers and teach them some tips for the listening exercises. 6. Ask Ss to retell the conversation in their own words. They can use the following questions as guidelines. 1) Why did Joyce want to buy a pair of Adidas shoes? 2) Why did her father object to the idea? 3) What did the advertisement say about Adidas sports shoes and those who wore them? 4) What, according to Joyce’s father, enabled track and field athletes to break world records? 5) What did the advertisement claim that Adidas would do to help runners as well as players of other sports? 6) Was Joyse’s father convinced in the end that Adidas was good? What was he still worried about? 7) What did Joyce tell her father that made him agree that she could buy the shoes? Step Four Oral Practice 1. Explain the sentence structures of advertising and ask the students to do the Exercise. 2. Give them the following topics to discuss and then ask some students to give personal presentation. Topic: Doctors and educators agree that fast food is unhealthy food for children as it contains a high percentage of fat, salt and suger. Are you for or against the view that
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