Introductory Remarks about the Course I.The main objectives of the course This course is to teach students basic theories,specific principles and concrete techniques and skills,and to train students mainly to the ability of putting Chinese into English through practice.Emphasis will be on practice.So students should learn basic theories,specific principles and concrete techniques and skills. Ⅱ.Required textbooks and reference books: 1.Cheng Hongwei,Li Yadan A New Course book on Chinese English Translation. Shanghai:Shanghai Foreign Language Education Press,2003 2.Zhuhui,A Course book in Chinese English Translation.Chongqin:Chongqin University Press,2004 3.Cheng Zhaowei etal.A Concise Course book On Translation.National Defense Industry Press 4.Lu Ruichang,etal.Textbook for Translating Chinese into English.Xi'an Shaan'xi People's press,1983. III.Requirements Students are expected to attend all class sessions. ·If you are absent,a note(a written explanation)must be presented to explain the reason for the absence.When you miss classes,remember it is your responsibility to find out what you missed. If you are absent three times,please come to see me immediately. Assignments are due on the day announced in class.All assignments must be submitted ON TIME.Late assignments will not be accepted.So prepare your assignments in advance. All class assignments will be written on the paper arranged by our department. IV.Grading You will be evaluated on your attendance,participation in class,class assignments,and translation ability. Attendance,participation,class assignments,translation ...20% Final Exam...80% The passing grade for this course is 70.That means those who score below 70 fail. Grades are not negotiable under any circumstances! 11 Introductory Introductory Introductory Introductory Remarks about the Course Ⅰ. The main objectives objectives objectives objectives of the course This course is to teach students basic theories, specific principles and concrete techniques and skills, and to train students mainly to the ability of putting Chinese into English through practice. Emphasis will be on practice. So students should learn basic theories, specific principles and concrete techniques and skills. Ⅱ.Required Required Required Required textbooks textbooks textbooks textbooks and reference reference reference reference books: 1. Cheng Hongwei, Li Yadan A New Course book on Chinese - English Translation. Shanghai: Shanghai Foreign Language Education Press, 2003 2. Zhuhui, A Course book in Chinese - English Translation. Chongqin: Chongqin University Press, 2004 3. Cheng Zhaowei etal. A Concise Course book On Translation. National Defense Industry Press 4. Lu Ruichang, etal. Textbook for Translating Chinese into English. Xi’an : Shaan’xi People’s press, 1983. Ш. Requirements Requirements Requirements Requirements • Students are expected to attend all class sessions. • If you are absent, a note (a written explanation) must be presented to explain the reason for the absence. When you miss classes, remember it is your responsibility to find out what you missed. • If you are absent three times, please come to see me immediately. • Assignments are due on the day announced in class. All assignments must be submitted ON TIME. Late assignments will not be accepted. So prepare your assignments in advance. • All class assignments will be written on the paper arranged by our department. IV. Grading Grading Grading Grading You will be evaluated on your attendance, participation in class, class assignments, and translation ability. Attendance, participation, class assignments, translation …20% Final Exam…80% The passing grade for this course is 70. That means those who score below 70 fail. Grades are not negotiable under any circumstances!
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