现代英语口语表示法500例( Evelyn录入) ★31☆ Put one' s foot in one's mouth说话走了嘴 The local football team won the match with flying colours. The The boy put his foot in his mouth when he told his father he played excitement went to the enthusiastic fan s heads and they went to the football in the afternoon. His father knew that the boy played truant street drinking and dancing till the midnight · Give somebody a free hand to do something给某人自由去 Give somebody the gate让某人滚开 处理某事 I explained to them that i had left the invitation card at home till I wa It is a good idea to give the Students'Union a free hand to organize the blue in the face, but they still gave me the gate New Year's Party As silent as the grave非常寂静 Keep one's head above water经济上过得去 At two in the moning the town is as silent as the grave During the war, many families found it hard to keep their heads above Get out of hand失去控制力 The debate got out of hand and became a quarrel · Be sick at heart心里非常难过 The monitor forgot to infom the class that the teacher had left the · Have a hand in something参与某事 assignment. The next day, when the teacher blamed students, he felt Every actor and actress had a hand in making the play a hit. sick at heart Have one's hands fu忙得不可开交 Look high and low到处都拨 She has her hands full going to work in the day and studying in the I remember locking the file in the safe. But now it is nowhere to be evening school after work found again, although I have looked high and low Have something on one' s hands有待处理 A white lie没有恶意的谎言 He has clothes of last year's fashion on his hands. So he has to sell The patient worries too much about his disease. The doctor, in order to them at a lower price and gets the money back. help with the medical treatment, has to tell him a white lie that his illness is no a big matter. Lie down on the job在工作中偷懒 The coach has been lying on the jobs. There,s no doubt that his team Know the ropes精通业务 will lose the match It usually takes half a year for a new employer to know the ropes in the company · Go to somone' s head冲昏头脑现代英语口语表示法 500 例(Evelyn 录入) ☆ 31 ☆ • Put one’s foot in one’s mouth 说话走了嘴 The boy put his foot in his mouth when he told his father he played football in the afternoon. His father knew that the boy played truant again. • Give somebody the gate 让某人滚开 I explained to them that I had left the invitation card at home till I was blue in the face, but they still gave me the gate. • As silent as the grave 非常寂静 At two in the morning the town is as silent as the grave. • Get out of hand 失去控制力 The debate got out of hand and became a quarrel. • Have a hand in something 参与某事 Every actor and actress had a hand in making the play a hit. • Have one’s hands full 忙得不可开交 She has her hands full going to work in the day and studying in the evening school after work. • Have something on one’s hands 有待处理 He has clothes of last year’s fashion on his hands. So he has to sell them at a lower price and gets the money back. • Lie down on the job 在工作中偷懒 The coach has been lying on the jobs. There’s no doubt that his team will lose the match. • Go to somone’s head 冲昏头脑 The local football team won the match with flying colours. The excitement went to the enthusiastic fan’s heads and they went to the street drinking and dancing till the midnight. • Give somebody a free hand to do something 给某人自由去 处理某事 It is a good idea to give the Students’ Union a free hand to organize the New Year’s Party. • Keep one’s head above water 经济上过得去 During the war, many families found it hard to keep their heads above water. • Be sick at heart 心里非常难过 The monitor forgot to inform the class that the teacher had left the assignment. The next day, when the teacher blamed students, he felt sick at heart. • Look high and low 到处都找遍 I remember locking the file in the safe. But now it is nowhere to be found again, although I have looked high and low. • A white lie 没有恶意的谎言 The patient worries too much about his disease. The doctor, in order to help with the medical treatment, has to tell him a white lie that his illness is no a big matter. • Know the ropes 精通业务 It usually takes half a year for a new employer to know the ropes in the company
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