现代英语口语表示法500例( Evelyn录入) Give somebody a dressing down严厉训斥 Were going to a self-service restaurant to have dinner, boys, but The teacher dressed the student down for being late remember your eyes are bigger than your stomach. Don't waste any A drug on the market滞销产品 That wine used to sell like hot cakes. but since the fake wine with the · Feed one's face吃饭 same name killed many people in Shanxi Province, it has become a Look at your school report. It seems to remind me that the only thing drug on the market you know is to feed your face but nothing else s dry as dust枯燥无味 · Till one is blue in the face嘴居都蘑破了 How can you live with him? He is dry as dust he customer bargained with the seller till he was blue in the face, but the seller didn't change his price Easier said than done说时容易做时难 A: We should make everybody know that white pollution is a big · The fat is in the fire为时已晚,欲罢不能 menace to our environment. B: What you said is right, but it is easier Think twice before you leap. Once you invest your money in the project, said than done the fat wi‖ be in the fire ake it easy轻松的干 · Play second fiddle to someone绐某人当二把手 Take it easy. We have an hour to go before the train leaves His family has had to play second fiddle to his political career An eye for an eye and a tooth for a 牙还牙以眼还眼 Snap one' s fingers at someone瞧不起某人 He will take an eye for an eye when he takes revenge on you He snap his fingers at most men in this profession Not bat an eye泰然自若 Play with fire玩火 The condemned man listened to his sentence without batting an eyelid You are playing with fire if you take bribes · There is more to something than meets the eye表面上看不 · Drink like a fish大喝,贪杯 出 He drinks like a fish, but he is seldom late for night shift The man came to the bank three times a day without doing anything There was more to it than met the eye Be neither fish nor fow不伦不类 The newspaper is neither fish nor fowl. It claims to be a serious paper eyes are bigger than one's stomach眼大肚子小 but there are many articles on famous stars' personal affairs现代英语口语表示法 500 例(Evelyn 录入) ☆ 30 ☆ • Give somebody a dressing down 严厉训斥 The teacher dressed the student down for being late. • A drug on the market 滞销产品 That wine used to sell like hot cakes,. But since the fake wine with the same name killed many people in Shanxi Province, it has become a drug on the market. • As dry as dust 枯燥无味 How can you live with him? He is dry as dust. • Easier said than done 说时容易做时难 A: We should make everybody know that white pollution is a big menace to our environment. B: What you said is right, but it is easier said than done. • Take it easy 轻松的干 Take it easy. We have an hour to go before the train leaves. • An eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth 以牙还牙,以眼还眼 He will take an eye for an eye when he takes revenge on you. • Not bat an eye 泰然自若 The condemned man listened to his sentence without batting an eyelid. • There is more to something than meets the eye.表面上看不 出 The man came to the bank three times a day without doing anything. There was more to it than met the eye. • One’s eyes are bigger than one’s stomach.眼大肚子小 We’re going to a self-service restaurant to have dinner, boys, but remember your eyes are bigger than your stomach. Don’t waste any food. • Feed one’s face 吃饭 Look at your school report. It seems to remind me that the only thing you know is to feed your face, but nothing else. • Till one is blue in the face 嘴唇都磨破了 The customer bargained with the seller till he was blue in the face, but the seller didn’t change his price. • The fat is in the fire 为时已晚,欲罢不能 Think twice before you leap. Once you invest your money in the project, the fat will be in the fire. • Play second fiddle to someone 给某人当二把手 His family has had to play second fiddle to his political career. • Snap one’s fingers at someone 瞧不起某人 He snap his fingers at most men in this profession. • Play with fire 玩火 You are playing with fire if you take bribes. • Drink like a fish 大喝,贪杯 He drinks like a fish, but he is seldom late for night shift. • Be neither fish nor fowl 不伦不类 The newspaper is neither fish nor fowl. It claims to be a serious paper, but there are many articles on famous stars’ personal affairs
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