现代英语口语表示法500例( Evelyn录入) · Throw caution to the winds不顾一切 Be on cloud nine高兴的飘飘然 He threw caution to the winds and ran into the house on fire to save the He was on cloud nine after winning the competition baby Be in the clover生活富裕,过的舒服 Be itching for a chance to do.很想找个机会试试 Old people are living in the clover in the old People's Homes In the Wimbledon Tennis Open, many new and old tennis players are itching for a chance to prove they are the best. · Weigh on someone's conscience某人良心不安 Having blamed the boy wrongly weighed on my conscience · An outside chance一线希望 Send him to hospital immediately. He's utside chance of Too many cooks spoil the broth厨师太多烧坏汤 We have to choose one as our head. otherwise too many cooks spo the broth Have a chance of heart改变心情 After seeing how they fought against natural disaster, he had a change Keep one's own counse不露心计 of heart and decided to lend them the money to rebuild their families You never know what he is thinking about. He always keeps his own A wild-goose chase徒劳的追求 You know there is no such an ancient treasure, why did you send me ·Til! the cows come home直到猴年马月 on a wild-goose chase? If you expect to get support from me, you will have wait till the cows come home Chicken out由于胆怯而收兵 Dont be chicken. Jump into the water. · Speak off the cuff即席讲话 The chairman got to bring his glasses, so he had to speak off the cuff. · count one' s chicken before they are hatched如意算盘打得 太早 Besb' s cup of tea爱好 Don't count your chicken before they hatch. The police might be I don't want to invite her to my birthday party she is not my cup of tea following us Cut and run抛开一切逃跑 A chow-hound嘴搀的人 Facts show that the whole deal is nothing but a swindle. Our business You eat like a chow-hound. Havent you had any meat at school? partner has already cut and run with our money现代英语口语表示法 500 例(Evelyn 录入) ☆ 29 ☆ • Throw caution to the winds 不顾一切 He threw caution to the winds and ran into the house on fire to save the baby. • Be itching for a chance to do…很想找个机会试试…… In the Wimbledon Tennis Open, many new and old tennis players are itching for a chance to prove they are the best. • An outside chance 一线希望 Send him to hospital immediately. He’s got an outside chance of survival. • Have a chance of heart 改变心情 After seeing how they fought against natural disaster, he had a change of heart and decided to lend them the money to rebuild their families. • A wild-goose chase 徒劳的追求 You know there is no such an ancient treasure, why did you send me on a wild-goose chase? • Chicken out 由于胆怯而收兵 Don’t be chicken. Jump into the water. • count one’s chicken before they are hatched 如意算盘打得 太早 Don’t count your chicken before they hatch. The police might be following us. • A chow-hound 嘴搀的人 You eat like a chow-hound. Haven’t you had any meat at school? • Be on cloud nine 高兴的飘飘然 He was on cloud nine after winning the competition. • Be in the clover 生活富裕,过的舒服 Old people are living in the clover in the Old People’s Homes. • Weigh on someone’s conscience 某人良心不安 Having blamed the boy wrongly weighed on my conscience. • Too many cooks spoil the broth.厨师太多烧坏汤 We have to choose one as our head. Otherwise, too many cooks spoil the broth. • Keep one’s own counsel 不露心计 You never know what he is thinking about. He always keeps his own counsel. • Till the cows come home 直到猴年马月 If you expect to get support from me, you will have wait till the cows come home. • Speak off the cuff 即席讲话 The chairman got to bring his glasses, so he had to speak off the cuff. • Be sb’s cup of tea 爱好 I don’t want to invite her to my birthday party. She is not my cup of tea. • Cut and run 抛开一切逃跑 Facts show that the whole deal is nothing but a swindle. Our business partner has already cut and run with our money
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