Second-order transition S.J.T.U. Phase Transformation and Applications First derivatives of G with respect to T and p are continuous and the second derivatives of G with respect to T and P are discontinuous SA=SB S=S(T,p) dS dT+ dp T dS= d7- C。=T T dp n SJTU Thermodynamics of Materials Spring2018©X.J.Jin Lecture 8 Chemical equilibriumPhase Transformation and Applications S. J. T. U. SJTU Thermodynamics of Materials Spring 2018 © X. J. Jin Lecture 8 Chemical equilibrium Second-order transition First derivatives of G with respect to T and p are continuous and the second derivatives of G with respect to T and P are discontinuous S A = S B S = S(T, p) dp p S dT T S dS p T            +        = dp T V dT T C d S p p         = − p p T S C T         =
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