Term Associations Download all assocation informaton in: D gene association format D RDFXML Fiter associations displayed b nce Code Remove a niter 此图显示了该基因产物 的术语关联(term associations)图,图中 Accession, Term Evidence Reference Assigned by 记录名称“Term”是 996s gene products biological GO REF: 0000004 UniProtKB view in trea process ( va UniProtKB/Swss- Go:0030154:ce GO记录的名字, deferentabon 23925 gene products biological “ Ontology”是该基因 GO REF: 0000004 UniProtKB (via UnIProtKB/ Swiss Go: 0007275: multicellular With SP KW:Kw-c21 产物的特性,如要查看 organismal development oroduets biologica 其分子功能,可点击其 viewin tree process GO: 0007399: nervous systen with sp kwkW9524 Prot 中的一条记录 development 20473 g9n9 products biological GO REF:0000004 UniProtxB “ nervous system view in tree process (via UniProtkB/ Swiss GO: 0045449: regulaton of wth SP KW: KM-0805 celular transcription development”。 35436 gene products cellular GO REF: 0000023 UniProtKB Ws5:5L0191 (va UniProtKB/ Swiss Go: 0005634: nucleus 21250 gene products molecular IEA GD REF:0000004 UnIProtKB view in tree fundtion (via UniprotKB/Swiss GO: 0003677: DNA binding 16342 gene product molecular GO REF: 0000002 UniProtKB mew in tree function (via UniProtkB/Swiss- Go: 0030528: transcription InterPro: IPRO 11598 regulator activity 叫[c]pcm如 n action with this pa的m此图显示了该基因产物 的术语关联(term associations)图,图中 记录名称“Term”是 GO记录的名字, “Ontology”是该基因 产物的特性,如要查看 其分子功能,可点击其 中的一条记录 “nervous system development
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