nervous system development Term nformation Term inway Estsmal references+ 5)17 one product associatons. er Accession G0:0007399 此图上部先对神经源 ynonyms related: pan-neural process Detinition The process whose specifc outcome is the progression of nervous tssue over time. from ts formation to s mature 性分化因子6的相关 state.(source: GOC dgh comnent None 信息做简单描述,中 comnunity There have been o comments for this term. If you would lke to vew or partcipate n the community annotation, please continue to the GONuT5 page 间术语系谱(term Eack te to lineage)成阶梯状分 Term Lineage wtch to viewing term parents, splines and chidren 布,记录了GO数据 w Fiiter tree vlew a ater Gene Product Counts 库中全部分子功能所 Tree view Fua r cermet 9 Bacilus ane 处的位置和关系。下 D an: al [372469 gene products] actions 方“ External E H GO: 0008150: bological process (274193 gene products t2n:利动 a n Go: 0032502: developmental process [27802 gene produd rachel wow D G0: 0048856: anatomical structure development [20054 gene products Reference”提供了与 a G0: 00-48731: system develooment [15068 gene products H GO: 0007399 t nervous system development [5317 gene products) o B Go: 0007275: muttelluar organs nal developmen: [2392s gene products] 外部相关数据的链接。 a u Go: 0007399: nervous system development (5317 gene products) D n Go: 0032501: muticellular organismal process(32735 gene productsI a u Go: 0007399 t nervous systen development [3317 gene productsI External References HIPS fancat (2 47.0301 w SP_Kw(1) Kw=0524此图上部先对神经源 性分化因子6的相关 信息做简单描述,中 间术语系谱(term lineage)成阶梯状分 布,记录了GO数据 库中全部分子功能所 处的位置和关系。下 方“External Reference”提供了与 外部相关数据的链接
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