、·v流动,流出,飘动,将(学生按能力分组 ·e.g.They streamed out of the cinema..他们涌出电影院。 。Phrase go with the stream顺流(跟着形势走)/go[sai训with the stream随波逐流,随大流,顺应时势 down(the)stream顺流,向下游/up(the)stream逆流, 向上游 go by in a stream一连串陆续通过 in streams[a stream]连续,陆续,川流不息地 ·on stream进行投入]生产 • v.流动,流出,飘动,将(学生)按能力分组 • e.g. They streamed out of the cinema.他们涌出电影院。 • Phrase • go with the stream顺流(跟着形势走)/ go [sail] with the stream 随波逐流, 随大流, 顺应时势 • down (the) stream 顺流, 向下游/up (the) stream 逆流, 向上游 • go by in a stream 一连串陆续通过 • in streams [a stream] 连续, 陆续, 川流不息地 • on stream 进行[投入]生产
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