·stream of tears泪如泉涌 ·streams of blood血流如注 tail up and down the stream(停泊的船)随着潮水涨 落而起伏 ● swim against the stream逆流而上,是极其难的,违 反常规的 ● swim down[with]the stream[tide]随波逐流,附和 流俗的意见 Shallow streams make most din.[谚]溪浅水声喧,没 有学识的人最会夸夸其谈。• stream of tears 泪如泉涌 • streams of blood 血流如注 • tail up and down the stream (停泊的船)随着潮水涨 落而起伏 • swim against the stream 逆流而上; 是极其难的; 违 反常规的 • swim down [with] the stream [tide] 随波逐流, 附和 流俗的意见 • Shallow streams make most din. [谚]溪浅水声喧, 没 有学识的人最会夸夸其谈
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