CLINICAL APPLICATIONS sthe sar ofi thetextdtiobrieer clinical correlations appear in the text as appropriate. Osteogenesis imperfecta(p.6) Triose phosphate isomerase deficiency (p.454) Protein-misfolding(.56 Excessive fructose cons mption(p.66) Protein modification and scurvy(p.57) Lactose intolerance (p.467) Antigen/antibody detection with ELISA(p.82) Galactosemia(p.468) Synthetic peptides asdrugs(p.92) Aerobic olycolysis and cancer (p 474) PCR in diagnostics and forensics (p.142) sedeficiency(p.512) Gene therapy (p.164) Aptamers in biotechnology and medicine(p.187) Functional magnetic resonance i imaging(p.193) Beriberi and mercury poisoning(p.515) 2.3-BPG and fetal hemoglobin (p.201) Frataxin mutations cause Friedreich's ataxia(p.531) Carbon monoxide poisoning (p.201) species(ROS)are implicated inavariety Sickle-cell anemia(p.205) Thalassemia(p.207) ROS may be mportant in signal transduction(p.540) Aldehyde dehydrogenase deficiency(p.228) IF1overexpression and cancer(p.554) Brown adipose tissue(p.555) Action of penicillin (p.239) Protease inhibitors (p.263) Mild uncouplers sought as drugs(p.557) Carbonic anhydrase Mitochondrial diseases(p.557) Isozymes as a sign of tissue damage (p.293) Trypsin inhibitor helps prevent pancreatic damage(p.302) Gluc Emphysema(p.303) p.303) ing involv ade of zymogen activations Developing drugs for type 2 diabetes (p.636) Vitamin K(p.306) Glycogen-storage diseases(p.637) Chanarin-Dorfman syndrome(.648) Antithrombin and hemorrhage (p.307) Carnitine deficiency (p.650) Hemophilia(p.308) Zellweger syndrome (p.657 Monitoring change glycosylated hemoglobin(p.321) Diabetic ketosis(p.659) Erythropoietin(p.327 Ketogenic diets to treat epilepsy (p.660) Hurler disease(p.327) Mucins(p.329) p.661 acids may contribute to pathological conditions Blood g groups(p.331) I-cell disease(p.332) Influenza virus binding(p.335) Effects of aspirin on signaling pathways(p.669) Clinical applications of lipo es(p.349) Diseases resulting from defects in transporters of amino Aspirin and ibuprofen (p.353) acids(p.682) Diseases resulting from defects in E3 proteins(p.685) Digitalis and congestive heart failure(p.373) Multidrug resistance (p 374) Drugs target the ubiquitin-proteasome system(p.687) Long OT syndrome(p.388) Using pro tuberculosis(p.687) Signal-transduction pathways and cancer (p.416) Monoclonal antibodies as anticancer drugs(p.416) Inherited defects of the urea cycle(hyperammonemia) Protein kinase inhibitors as anticancer drugs(p.417) (p.697) G-proteins,cholera and whooping cough(p.417) Alcaptonuria,maple syrup urine disease,and Vitamins(p.438) phenylketonuria (p.705)xi Osteogenesis imperfecta (p. 46) Protein-misfolding diseases (p. 56) Protein modification and scurvy (p. 57) Antigen/antibody detection with ELISA (p. 82) Synthetic peptides as drugs (p. 92) PCR in diagnostics and forensics (p.142) Gene therapy (p. 164) Aptamers in biotechnology and medicine (p. 187) Functional magnetic resonance imaging (p. 193) 2,3-BPG and fetal hemoglobin (p. 201) Carbon monoxide poisoning (p. 201) Sickle-cell anemia (p. 205) Thalassemia (p. 207) Aldehyde dehydrogenase deficiency (p. 228) Action of penicillin (p. 239) Protease inhibitors (p. 263) Carbonic anhydrase and osteopetrosis (p. 264) Isozymes as a sign of tissue damage (p. 293) Trypsin inhibitor helps prevent pancreatic damage (p. 302) Emphysema (p. 303) Blood clotting involves a cascade of zymogen activations (p. 303) Vitamin K (p. 306) Antithrombin and hemorrhage (p. 307) Hemophilia (p.308) Monitoring changes in glycosylated hemoglobin (p. 321) Erythropoietin (p. 327) Hurler disease (p. 327) Mucins (p. 329) Blood groups (p. 331) I-cell disease (p. 332) Influenza virus binding (p. 335) Clinical applications of liposomes (p. 349) Aspirin and ibuprofen (p. 353) Digitalis and congestive heart failure (p. 373) Multidrug resistance (p. 374) Long QT syndrome (p. 388) Signal-transduction pathways and cancer (p. 416) Monoclonal antibodies as anticancer drugs (p. 416) Protein kinase inhibitors as anticancer drugs (p. 417) G-proteins, cholera and whooping cough (p. 417) Vitamins (p. 438) Triose phosphate isomerase deficiency (p. 454) Excessive fructose consumption (p. 466) Lactose intolerance (p. 467) Galactosemia (p. 468) Aerobic glycolysis and cancer (p. 474) Phosphatase deficiency (p. 512) Defects in the citric acid cycle and the development of cancer (p. 513) Beriberi and mercury poisoning (p. 515) Frataxin mutations cause Friedreich’s ataxia (p. 531) Reactive oxygen species (ROS) are implicated in a variety of diseases (p. 539) ROS may be important in signal transduction (p. 540) IF1 overexpression and cancer (p. 554) Brown adipose tissue (p. 555) Mild uncouplers sought as drugs (p.557) Mitochondrial diseases (p. 557) Glucose 6-phosphate dehydrogenase deficiency causes drug-induced hemolytic anemia (p. 610) Glucose 6-phosphate dehydrogenase deficiency protects against malaria (p. 612) Developing drugs for type 2 diabetes (p. 636) Glycogen-storage diseases (p. 637) Chanarin-Dorfman syndrome (p. 648) Carnitine deficiency (p. 650) Zellweger syndrome (p. 657) Diabetic ketosis (p. 659) Ketogenic diets to treat epilepsy (p. 660) Some fatty acids may contribute to pathological conditions (p. 661) The use of fatty acid synthase inhibitors as drugs (p. 667) Effects of aspirin on signaling pathways (p. 669) Diseases resulting from defects in transporters of amino acids (p. 682) Diseases resulting from defects in E3 proteins (p. 685) Drugs target the ubiquitin-proteasome system (p.687) Using proteasome inhibitors to treat tuberculosis (p. 687) Blood levels of aminotransferases indicate liver damage (p. 691) Inherited defects of the urea cycle (hyperammonemia) (p. 697) Alcaptonuria, maple syrup urine disease, and phenylketonuria (p. 705) CLINICAL APPLICATIONS This icon signals the start of a clinical application in the text. Additional, briefer clinical correlations appear in the text as appropriate
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