High homocysteine levels and vascular disease(p.726) The brain plays a key role in caloric homeostasis(p.804) Inherited disorders of porphyrin metabolism(p.737) Diabetes is a common metabolic disease often resulting Anticancer drugs that block the synthesis of thymidylate from obesity (p.807) (p.757) Exercise beneficially alters the biochemistry of cells(p.813) Ribonucleotide reductase is a target for cancer therapy Food intake and starvation induce metabolic changes(p.816) (p.759) Ethanol atersenergy metabolism in the liver(p.81) Adenosine deaminase and severe combined immunodefi- ciency (p.760) Antibiotics that target DNA gyrase(p.839) Gout(p.761) Blocking telomerase to treat cancer(p.845) Lesch-Nyhan syndrome(p.761) Huntington disease(p.850) Defective repair of DNA and cancer(p.850) Folic acid and spina bifida (p.762) Detection of carcinogens (Ames test)(p.852) Enzyme activation in some cancers to generate phospho choline(p.770) Translocations can result in diseases(p.855) Excess choline and heart disease(p.771) Antibiotic inhibitors of transcription(p.869) Gangliosides and cholera(p.773) Burkitt lymphoma and B-cell leukemia(p.876 Diseases of defective RNA splicing(p.884) Vanishing white matter disease(p.913) Respiratory distress syndrome and Tay-Sachs disease(p.774) Antibiotics that inhibit protein synthesis(p.914) Ceramide metabolism stimulates tumor growth(p.775) Diphtheria(.14) Phosphatidic acid phosphatase and lipodystrophy (p.776) Ricin,a lethal protein-synthesis inhibitor(p.915) erosis(p.78 Induced pluripotent stem cells(p.947) Mutations in the LDL receptor(p.785) Anabolic steroids(p.951) LDL receptor cycling is regulated(p.787) Color blindness(p.97) The role of HDLin protecting against(p.787) The use of capsaicin in pain management(p.978) Clinical management of cholesterol levels(p.788) Immune-system suppressants(p.994) Bile salts are derivatives of cholesterol (p.789) MHCand transplantation rejection (p.1002) The cytochrome P450 system is protective(p.791) AIDS(p.1003 Autoimmune diseases(p.1005) Immune system and cancer(p.1005) A tase inhibitors in the trea east and ovariar cancer (n 794) Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease(p.1022) Rickets and vitamin D(p.795) Taxol (p.1023) meostasis is a means of regulating body weight xii High homocysteine levels and vascular disease (p. 726) Inherited disorders of porphyrin metabolism (p. 737) Anticancer drugs that block the synthesis of thymidylate (p. 757) Ribonucleotide reductase is a target for cancer therapy (p. 759) Adenosine deaminase and severe combined immunodefi￾ciency (p. 760) Gout (p. 761) Lesch–Nyhan syndrome (p. 761) Folic acid and spina bifida (p. 762) Enzyme activation in some cancers to generate phospho￾choline (p. 770) Excess choline and heart disease (p. 771) Gangliosides and cholera (p. 773) Second messengers derived from sphingolipids and diabetes (p. 773) Respiratory distress syndrome and Tay–Sachs disease (p. 774) Ceramide metabolism stimulates tumor growth (p. 775) Phosphatidic acid phosphatase and lipodystrophy (p. 776) Hypercholesterolemia and atherosclerosis (p. 784) Mutations in the LDL receptor (p. 785) LDL receptor cycling is regulated (p. 787) The role of HDL in protecting against arteriosclerosis (p. 787) Clinical management of cholesterol levels (p. 788) Bile salts are derivatives of cholesterol (p. 789) The cytochrome P450 system is protective (p. 791) A new protease inhibitor also inhibits a cytochrome P450 enzyme (p. 792) Aromatase inhibitors in the treatment of breast and ovarian cancer (p. 794) Rickets and vitamin D (p. 795) Caloric homeostasis is a means of regulating body weight (p. 802) The brain plays a key role in caloric homeostasis (p. 804) Diabetes is a common metabolic disease often resulting from obesity (p. 807) Exercise beneficially alters the biochemistry of cells (p. 813) Food intake and starvation induce metabolic changes (p. 816) Ethanol alters energy metabolism in the liver (p. 819) Antibiotics that target DNA gyrase (p. 839) Blocking telomerase to treat cancer (p. 845) Huntington disease (p. 850) Defective repair of DNA and cancer (p. 850) Detection of carcinogens (Ames test) (p. 852) Translocations can result in diseases (p. 855) Antibiotic inhibitors of transcription (p. 869) Burkitt lymphoma and B-cell leukemia (p. 876) Diseases of defective RNA splicing (p. 884) Vanishing white matter disease (p. 913) Antibiotics that inhibit protein synthesis (p. 914) Diphtheria (p. 914) Ricin, a lethal protein-synthesis inhibitor (p. 915) Induced pluripotent stem cells (p. 947) Anabolic steroids (p. 951) Color blindness (p. 974) The use of capsaicin in pain management (p. 978) Immune-system suppressants (p. 994) MHC and transplantation rejection (p. 1002) AIDS (p. 1003) Autoimmune diseases (p. 1005) Immune system and cancer (p. 1005) Vaccines (p. 1006) Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease (p. 1022) Taxol (p. 1023)
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