of not relying on pollution prevention others are -depletion of non renewable minerals, depletion and contamination of ground water deforestation, soil erosion, conversion of productive cropland and grazing to desert(desertification) and species loss(biod iversity depletion), Problems and causes Our problems are also worsened by political and economic systems that reward unsustainable economic growth, support the widening gap between the rich and the poor, hinder meeting the basic need for human justice and compassion, and fail to protect the rights of future generations of humans and other Problems and causes Problems and causes Oversimplify Poor political and eco Failure to have marke es represent the overall environmental cost of an economic good Our urge to dominate and control nature Problems and causes Once we have identified the causes of our problems, the next step is to understand how they are connected to one another . and here comes The three-factor model This model, developed in the early 1970s by biologist Paul Ehrlich and physicist John Holdren, can be summarized in simplified form as Problems and causes Impact=Population x Affluence x Technology TIEPXAXT The three-factor model is useful in understand ing the key factors lead ing to the crisis of unsustainability Problems and solutions the way to tackle world food problems is not by controlling population but by promoting the economic development of countries that are unable to produce adequate food for their people. They presume that development would provide the appropriate technology for the people living in those countries to increase their food production Problems and solutions No matter where we look- there are warning signs that the natural world which gives life and sustenance to our human economy, is nearing a point of collapse from which there may be no return3 of not relying on pollution prevention; • others are – depletion of non renewable minerals, depletion and contamination of ground water, deforestation, soil erosion, conversion of productive cropland and grazing to desert (desertification), and species loss (biodiversity depletion), Problems and causes….. • Our problems are also worsened by political and economic systems that reward unsustainable economic growth, support the widening gap between the rich and the poor, hinder meeting the basic need for human justice and compassion, and fail to protect the rights of future generations of humans and other species. Problems and causes….. Problems and causes….. – · Oversimplification of earth’s life support systems, – · Poor political and economic management, – · Failure to have market prices represent the overall environmental cost of an economic good or service, and – · Our urge to dominate and control nature. Problems and causes….. • Once we have identified the causes of our problems, the next step is to understand how they are connected to one another….and here comes The three-factor model • This model, developed in the early 1970s by biologist Paul Ehrlich and physicist John Holdren, can be summarized in simplified form as:….. Problems and causes….. Impact = Population x Affluence x Technology or I = P x A x T The three-factor model is useful in understanding the key factors leading to the crisis of unsustainability. Problems and solutions….. • the way to tackle world food problems is not by controlling population but by promoting the economic development of countries that are unable to produce adequate food for their people. They presume that development would provide the appropriate technology for the people living in those countries to increase their food production. Problems and solutions….. • No matter where we look - there are warning signs that the natural world, which gives life and sustenance to our human economy, is nearing a point of collapse from which there may be no return…