Ljebig's law of the minimum 李比西最小因子定律 Justus Leibig (1840)-plant nutrients and growth Liebig's law of the minimum -production of an organism is limited by that substance which is in least supply relative to the demands of the organism 植物的生长取决于数量最不足的那一种营养元素。这种元素不 但直接限制植物生长,同时也会限制其他因子的效应。 Justus Leibig (1840) - plant nutrients and growth Liebig's law of the minimum - production of an organism is limited by that substance which is in least supply relative to the demands of the organism 植物的生长取决于数量最不足的那一种营养元素。这种元素不 但直接限制植物生长,同时也会限制其他因子的效应。 Liebig ‘s law of the minimum of the minimum 李比西最小因子定律 李比西最小因子定律
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