Students are required to discuss the following question in small groups 1)Cultural diversity may be understood as the idea that different cultures respect each other's differences.But in the increasingly globalized world,this idea is facing big challenges.Do you agree that maintaining cultural diversity in the world is of vital importance? 2)China is a multi-ethnic nation and each ethnic minority has their different cultures.What has been done to maintain cultural diversity in our country?What suggestions can you propose in order to better achieve this goal? 3)How many different rituals of life and death do you know? What can you learn from these different customs? 第二节 1.主要内容 Session Two How Did Civilizations Begin? Warming-up Part One Humanity's Origins 1)Lead-in 2)Listening Skills Strategies 3)Critical Listening Part Two The Conditions of Civilization 1)Lead-in 2)listening skills&strategies 3)Critical Listening Part Three Intercultural Reflection 2.基本概念和知识点 Origin of human beings, cultural relics,conditions of civilization 3.问题与应用(能力要求) Students are required to discuss the following question in small groups: 1)Spencer Wells mentions the impact of climate on human life during the last Ice Age.Do you know about any other cases of climate dramatically changing people's way of life?Explain your case 615 Students are required to discuss the following question in small groups: 1) Cultural diversity may be understood as the idea that different cultures respect each other’s differences. But in the increasingly globalized world, this idea is facing big challenges. Do you agree that maintaining cultural diversity in the world is of vital importance? 2) China is a multi-ethnic nation and each ethnic minority has their different cultures. What has been done to maintain cultural diversity in our country? What suggestions can you propose in order to better achieve this goal? 3) How many different rituals of life and death do you know? What can you learn from these different customs? 第二节 1. 主要内容 Session Two How Did Civilizations Begin? Warming-up Part One Humanity’s Origins 1) Lead-in 2) Listening Skills & Strategies 3) Critical Listening Part Two The Conditions of Civilization 1) Lead-in 2) Listening Skills & Strategies 3) Critical Listening Part Three Intercultural Reflection 2. 基本概念和知识点 Origin of human beings, cultural relics, conditions of civilization 3. 问题与应用 (能力要求) Students are required to discuss the following question in small groups: 1) Spencer Wells mentions the impact of climate on human life during the last Ice Age. Do you know about any other cases of climate dramatically changing people’s way of life? Explain your case
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