1850 Charlotte edited her sister's various works,and met Mrs Gaskell.In 1851she visited the Great Exhibition in London,and attended a series of lectures given by Thackeray. The Rev.A.B.Nicholls,curate of Haworth since 1845 proposed marriage to Charlotte in 1852.The Rev.Mr.Bronte objected violently,and Charlotte,who,though she may have pitied him,was in any case not in love with him,refused him. Nicholls left Haworth in the following year,the same in which Charlotte's Villette was published.By 1854,however,Mr. Brontes opposition to the proposed marriage had weakened,and Charlotte and Nicholls became engaged.Nicholls retumed as curate at Haworth,and they were married,though it seems clea that Charlotte,though sheadmired him,still did not love him. In 1854 Charlotte,expecting a child,caught pneumonia.It was an illness which could have been cured,but she seems to have seized upon it (consciously or unconsciously)as an opportunity of ending her life,and after a lengthy and painfu illness,she died,probably ofdehydration. 1857 saw the postumous publication of The Professor,which had been written in 1845-46,and in that same year Mrs.Gaskell's 1850 Charlotte edited her sister's various works, and met Mrs. Gaskell. In 1851she visited the Great Exhibition in London, and attended a series of lectures given by Thackeray. The Rev. A. B. Nicholls, curate of Haworth since 1845, proposed marriage to Charlotte in 1852. The Rev. Mr. Brontë objected violently, and Charlotte, who, though she may have pitied him, was in any case not in love with him, refused him. Nicholls left Haworth in the following year, the same in which Charlotte's Villette was published. By 1854, however, Mr. Brontë's opposition to the proposed marriage had weakened, and Charlotte and Nicholls became engaged. Nicholls returned as curate at Haworth, and they were married, though it seems clear that Charlotte, though she admired him, still did not love him. In 1854 Charlotte, expecting a child, caught pneumonia. It was an illness which could have been cured, but she seems to have seized upon it (consciously or unconsciously) as an opportunity of ending her life, and after a lengthy and painful illness, she died, probably of dehydration. 1857 saw the postumous publication of The Professor, which had been written in 1845-46, and in that same year Mrs. Gaskell's
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