James Monroe (1758-1831) Robert Livingston (1746-1813)• Thomas Jefferson learned about the transfer of Louisiana Territory soon after coming into office in 1801. He wanted to stay out of European affairs, but he could not ignore the concerns of the West. Nevertheless, Jefferson remained serene平静的and imperturbable imperturbable沉着冷静and was not to be rushed into precipitate precipitate贸然轻率action. His annual report in the congress breathed platitudes platitudes陈词滥调of peace, friendship, and economy. Yet he immediately began strengthening fortifications fortifications防御in the West and preparing for the worst. He asked and obtained from Congress an appropriation of $2 million and sent James Monroe (1758–1831) as envoy extraordinary to help Robert R. Livingston (1746–1813), American Minister in Paris, to buy New Orleans and Florida from Na poleon. 6.1.3 Thomas Jefferson (1) ▲ Robert Livingston (1746–1813) James Monroe (1758–1831)