usu doesn't 5 granulomatous disease of luns such as TB,silicosis,sarcoidosis alveolar sized (1-5mm)discrete nodules sharply margined,high density,do not fuse with each other. Fibrosis: Localize ng 10 lized fibrosis ed by interstitial dis widepread reduction in the yolume en 5 calci cation may a result of old age cal on resu rom chroni 10 10 (diameter less than 3cm)are called nodules or coin sign. Features:location,size and number,shape,homogeneous or cavitory Pleura Pleural effusion:free effusion:sr mall amount:blunt of costophrenic 10° angle.moderate amount:sharp margined shadow in lower field.concave curve between air-containing lung and fluid.great amount:uniform opaque of lung field. num to contra side sion in the interlobular fissures features:spindle 5 or tr of ooct enic angle.elevation and 5 ubitu 11 ⚫ Proliferative lesion: Epithelial Proliferative changes of lung, usu. doesn't involve proliferation of interstitial tissue. Caused by granulomatous disease of lung, such as TB, silicosis, sarcoidosis. alveolar sized (1-5mm) discrete nodules, sharply margined, high density, do not fuse with each other. ⚫ Fibrosis: Localized fibrosis, Massive fibrosis: high density and rigid shadows, decrease of lung volume in involved lobe, shift of mediastinum and hilum, distortion of lung structures (vessels and bronchi) seen on CT. ⚫ Generalized fibrosis: caused by interstitial disease or end stage lung. widespread reduction in the volume of air-containing parenchyma, irregular strands, net-like or honeycomb like shadow, elevation of diaphragm. ⚫ Calcification: treachea and bronchi calcification may a result of old age or caused by some endocrine disease, alveolar calcification result from chronic inflammation, calcification of tumor-sometime indicative of tumor nature. ⚫ Mass/ nodule: tumorous lesions in the lungs. usu. those smaller ones (diameter less than 3cm) are called nodules or coin sign. Features: location, size and number, shape, homogeneous or cavitory Pleura ⚫ Pleural effusion: free effusion: small amount: blunt of costophrenic angle. moderate amount: sharp margined shadow in lower field, concave curve between air-containing lung and fluid. great amount: uniform opaque of lung field, shift of mediastinum to contra side. ⚫ interlobular effusion: effusion in the interlobular fissures. features: spindle or triangular shadow in the fissure regions. ⚫ infrapulmonary effusion: shaper of costophrenic angle, elevation and lateral shift of diaphragm dome, confirm by stand-decubitus film. 5’ 10’ 5’ 10’ 10’ 10’ 5’ 5’
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