CHAPTER 1 Introduction to the Human body 10. The armpit is technically known as the 11. The anterior portion of the elbow known as the an important site for withdrawal of venous blood. 12. A lung is contained within a cavity, which, in turn, is contained within the thoracic cavity 13. Mucus is secreted by membranes. and serous fluid is secreted b membranes support abdominopelvic viscera in a pendent fashion hus enabling peristalsis is a directional term meaning"away from the head"or toward the lower portion of the body. Matching Match the descriptions with the body planes or directional terms 1. Toward a central reference point (a) dorsal 2. Perpendicular to the craniocaudal axis (b) cranial or superior 3. Divides the body into right and left halves (c) 4. Toward the back (e) lateral 6. Away from the midsagittal pla (anterior 7. Upper surface of the body (g)posterior 8. Toward the front (h) caudal or int enor 9. Divides the body into anterior and posterior portions 10. Toward the feet o proximal 11. Away from a central reference point (k)coronal plane 12. Toward the midsagittal plane ng Label the body regions indicated on the figure to the right. 6 7 910. The armpit is technically known as the ___________________________________. 11. The anterior portion of the elbow known as the ___________________________________ fossa is an important site for withdrawal of venous blood. 12. A lung is contained within a ___________________________________ cavity, which, in turn, is contained within the thoracic cavity. 13. Mucus is secreted by ___________________________________ membranes, and serous fluid is secreted by ___________________________________ membranes. 14. ___________________________________ support abdominopelvic viscera in a pendent fashion, thus enabling peristalsis. 15. ___________________________________ is a directional term meaning “away from the head” or “toward the lower portion of the body.” Matching Match the descriptions with the body planes or directional terms. _____ 1. Toward a central reference point (a) dorsal _____ 2. Perpendicular to the craniocaudal axis (b) cranial or superior _____ 3. Divides the body into right and left halves (c) transverse plane _____ 4. Toward the back (d) distal _____ 5. Toward the head (e) lateral _____ 6. Away from the midsagittal plane (f) anterior _____ 7. Upper surface of the body (g) posterior _____ 8. Toward the front (h) caudal or inferior _____ 9. Divides the body into anterior and posterior portions (i) medial _____ 10. Toward the feet (j) proximal _____ 11. Away from a central reference point (k) coronal plane _____ 12. Toward the midsagittal plane (l) midsagittal plane Labeling Label the body regions indicated on the figure to the right. 1. ___________________________________ 2. ___________________________________ 3. ___________________________________ 4. ___________________________________ 5. ___________________________________ 6. ___________________________________ 7. ___________________________________ 8. ___________________________________ 9. ___________________________________ 10. ___________________________________ CHAPTER 1 Introduction to the Human Body 15
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