其顿). mainland of Greece,led by Agamemnon in their war against the city [Key:4th Alexander] of 6.n _B.C.the Romans conquered Greece. [Key:Troy] [Key:146] 2.The heroes are Hector(hekta(r)/赫克托耳)on the side 2.Social and Political Structure (p.3) and Achilles(/o'ki:liz/阿喀琉斯)and Odysseus('disjus/奥德修 斯)on the_ 。 What were the main features of ancient Greek society? [Key:Trojan /Greek] 1.Athens was a democracy,where only the adult citizens had 3.In the final battle,Hector was killed by Achilles and Troy was'sacked the rights. and burned by the [Key:male] [Key:Greeks] 2.The economy,of Athens rested on an immense amount of Odyssey (pp.3-4) labour. 1.The Odyssey deals with the of Odysseus after the Trojan war [Key:slave] to his home island Ithaca(:oko/伊萨卡). 3.The Greeks loved sports.Once every four years,they had a big [Key:return] festival on which included contests of sports. 2.The Odyssey describes many adventures Odysscus ran into on his long [Key:Olympus Mount] voyage and how he was reunited with his faithful Penelope 4.Revised in the Games have become the world's foremost (/pr'nelapl/珀涅罗珀), ameteur sports competition. [Key:wife] Key1896] Why is Homer important in the history of European literature? 3.Homer(about700B.C.)(荷马)(pp.3-13) (See:Lasting Effects)(p.36) What did Homer do? 1.Countless writers have quoted,adapted,borrowed from and otherwise used cpics. 1.Ancient Greeks considered to be the author of their cpics: [Key:Homer's] the Iliad(/'lad/伊利亚特)and the Odyssey(/dsI/奥德赛). 2.In the early part of the 19th century,in England alone,three young [Key:Homer] Romantic poets(Byron,Shelley and Keats)expressed their 2.Homer probably lived around of Greek culture in works which have themselves become classics. [Key:700 B.C. [Key:admiration] 3.The Iliad and the Odyssey are not about events of own time, 3.In the 20th century,there are _parallels in the Irishman but about great men and wars of a remoter age,probably in the period James Joyce's modernist masterpiece Ulysses. of [Key:Homeric(ha'merk/荷马风格的)门 [Key:Homer's 1200-1100 B.C. ·Iliad(p.3) 4.Lyric Poetry (pp.13-14) 1.The Iliad deals with the alliance of the states of the southern 1.Of many lyric poets of the (Greek)time,two are still admired by 3 1玉家
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