Course synopsis: This course is a new course based on a sustained high growth and financial market development of China's national economy is becoming more and more perfect,more and more personal wealth accumulation of financial demand and developing under the background of.The course in the basic principle of Finance and investment principle to all kinds of financial market investment tools as the teach students the basic concept,category,income and risk characteristics and investment techniques and investment strategy,risk and return characteristics,and extracurricular experience simulated operation of different financial tools combined with financial software practice,lay the foundation for the future go to work and do family financial after marry and settle down. 三、课程性质与教学目的 课程性质:专业选修课 教学目的:通过本课程教学,让学生掌握金融理财工具的基本概念、类别、收益与风 险的特点以及投资技巧与策略,能结合自身的财务状况及风险偏好与承受能力熟练运用理 财工具制定家庭资产配置方案,并通过实施理财方案达到既定的理财目标。 知识目标 掌握金融理财的基本原理和常见理财工具的风险收益特性 能力目标 能够结合宏观经济金融形势分析投资环境,掌握各类理财工具投资策 略,为将来的家庭理财及职业发展打下基础。 素质目标 尽可能规避人生可能遇到的各种风险,走出理财误区,达到财务自由、 实现生活目标与人生理想 了解国家经济政策,把握金融市场发展趋势,树立正确的理财观,提 课程思政目标 升风险防范意识,做好财务规划、生活规划与人生规划。 四、教学内容及要求 第一讲金融理财概论 (一)目的与要求 通过教学让学生 1.了解金融理财的概念与认识上的误区: 2.理解金融理财的重要性和主要内容: 3.掌握与金融理财相关的生命周期阶段及其特征: 4.理解并掌握财富管理之道。 课程思政要求:1树立正确的财富观、价值观: 熟知理财规划师职业道德规范,具备职业道德意识。 (二)教学内容 第一节金融理财的概念2 Course synopsis: This course is a new course based on a sustained high growth and financial market development of China's national economy is becoming more and more perfect, more and more personal wealth accumulation of financial demand and developing under the background of. The course in the basic principle of Finance and investment principle, to all kinds of financial market investment tools as the object, to teach students the basic concept, category, income and risk characteristics and investment techniques and investment strategy, risk and return characteristics, and extracurricular experience simulated operation of different financial tools combined with financial software practice, lay the foundation for the future go to work and do family financial after marry and settle down. 三、课程性质与教学目的 课程性质:专业选修课 教学目的:通过本课程教学,让学生掌握金融理财工具的基本概念、类别、收益与风 险的特点以及投资技巧与策略,能结合自身的财务状况及风险偏好与承受能力熟练运用理 财工具制定家庭资产配置方案,并通过实施理财方案达到既定的理财目标。 知识目标 掌握金融理财的基本原理和常见理财工具的风险收益特性 能力目标 能够结合宏观经济金融形势分析投资环境,掌握各类理财工具投资策 略,为将来的家庭理财及职业发展打下基础。 素质目标 尽可能规避人生可能遇到的各种风险,走出理财误区,达到财务自由、 实现生活目标与人生理想。 课程思政目标 了解国家经济政策,把握金融市场发展趋势,树立正确的理财观,提 升风险防范意识,做好财务规划、生活规划与人生规划。 四、教学内容及要求 第一讲 金融理财概论 (一)目的与要求 通过教学让学生 1.了解金融理财的概念与认识上的误区; 2.理解金融理财的重要性和主要内容; 3.掌握与金融理财相关的生命周期阶段及其特征; 4.理解并掌握财富管理之道。 课程思政要求:1.树立正确的财富观、价值观; 2.熟知理财规划师职业道德规范,具备职业道德意识。 (二)教学内容 第一节 金融理财的概念