4.生态环境类 相关话题:石油天然气紧缺、空气污染、自然灾害、太阳能的利用等。 高频词组: population growth(人口增长 global warming(全球变暖 depletion of the ozone layer(臭氧层变薄) air pollution(空气污染) water pollution(水污染 noisy pollution(噪音污染) endangered species(濒临灭绝的物种) renewable resources(可再生资源) protect forest resources(保护森林资源)】 environmental racism(环境歧视) energy production(能源制造) energy efficiency(能源效率》 ecological balance(生态平衡) xertadisastrous effecton(产生灾难性的影响) petroleum(石油) pursue one's short-term interest(追求眼前利益) solar energy(太阳能) habitat destruction and speciesextinction(居住环境破坏与物种灭绝 for the future generations/.for our descendants(为了子后f代 raw materials(原料) 例句 (1)As we know,over the past years,floods,droughts,landslides,and dust storms have frequented our planet. 正如我们所知,在过去的几年中,洪水、干旱、山体滑坡以及沙尘暴在世界上频繁发生。 is to plant t as possible,especially in the arid areas.In the meanwhile. we are sun 我们首要的任务就是尽可能多地植树造林,尤其是在那些干旱荒芜地区。同时,我们应该停止大量砍 伐森林 Please join us in the action of protecting our planet.If you are willing to do something to save our planet. plea start trom the little thing right around you 请加入我们一起保护我们的地球。如果你愿意为我们的地球做一些事情的话,请从你身边的小事做 起 In view of such serious situation,environmental tools of transportation like bicycle are more important than any time hefore 考虑到这些严重的状况,我们比以往任何时候更需要像自行车这样的环保型交通工具。 5We should to beautify our environment. 我们应该不遗余力地美化我们的环境。4. ⽣态环境类 ፘىᦾ᷌ғᎪရॠᆐ࿈ᔲᗌ̵ᑮ࿈࿱ວ̵ᛔᆐᅒਸ̵਼ॡᴡᚆጱڥአᒵ̶ ṛ᷇᦯ᕟғ population growthҁՈݗीᳩ҂ global warmingҁقቖݒำ҂ depletion of the ozone layerҁᛖ࿔੶ݒᡀ҂ air pollutionҁᑮ࿈࿱ວ҂ water pollutionҁ࿜࿱ວ҂ noisy pollutionҁ࢑ᶪ࿱ວ҂ endangered speciesҁᄺԁᅋᕷጱᇔᐿ҂ renewable resourcesҁݢٚኞᩒრ҂ protect forest resourcesҁכಷ༏຋ᩒრ҂ environmental racismҁሾहྏᥤ҂ energy productionҁᚆრګ᭜҂ energy efficiencyҁᚆრපሲ҂ ecological balanceҁኞாଘᤍ҂ exert a disastrous effect onҁԾኞᅒᵙ௔ጱ୽ߥ҂ petroleumҁᎪရ҂ pursue one’s short-term interestҁ᭄࿢፲ڥڹፅ҂ solar energyҁॡᴡᚆ҂ ̴̴habitat destruction and species extinctionҁ੷֘ሾहᏈࣕӨᇔᐿᅋᕷ҂ ̴̴for the future generations/for our descendantsҁԅԧৼਃݸդ҂ ̴̴raw materialsҁܻා҂ ғݙֺ ① As we know, over the past years, floods, droughts, landslides, and dust storms have frequented our planet. ̴ྋই౯ժಅᎣ҅ࣁᬦ݄ጱپଙӾ҅ၒ࿜̵ଗ෷̵ઊ֛ჶ࣠զ݊ဉ੡ูࣁӮኴӤ᷇ᔺݎኞ̶ ② A task of top priority for us is to plant trees as many as possible, especially in the arid areas. In the meanwhile, we are supposed to stop deforesting in large amount. ̴౯ժḒᥝጱձۓ੪ฎੱݢᚆग़ࣈ໅༙᭜຋҅੦ٌฎࣁᮎԶଗ෷ងᜠ܄ࣈ̶ݶ҅෸౯ժଫᧆ؊ྊय़ᰁᎵ պ༏຋̶ ③ Please join us in the action of protecting our planet. If you are willing to do something to save our planet, please start from the little thing right around you. ᧗فے౯ժӞ᩸כಷ౯ժጱࣈቖ̶ইຎ֦ౄ఺ԅ౯ժጱࣈቖ؉ӞԶԪఘጱᦾ҅᧗՗֦᫝ᬟጱੜԪ؉ ̶᩸ ④ In view of such serious situation, environmental tools of transportation like bicycle are more important than any time before. ̴ᘍᡤکᬯԶӸ᯿ጱᇫ٭҅౯ժྲզஃձ֜෸ײๅᵱᥝ؟ᛔᤈ᫣ᬯ໏ጱሾࣳכԻ᭗ૡ̶ٍ ⑤ We should spare no effort to beautify our environment. ౯ժଫᧆӧ᭳֟ࣈێᗦ۸౯ժጱሾह̶̴ 4
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