5.社会热点类 相关话题:乐于助人、英雄事迹、青少年犯罪、住房问题、垃圾处理、伪劣商品、下岗就业、城市移民、 打工等。 高频词组: civil service examinations(公务员考试) shanzhai culture(山赛"文化】 self-employment(自主创业) grateful(感恩) information security(信息安全) shortage of power(缺电) shopping by media(媒体购物, job-hopping(跳槽) housing problem(住房问题) pay attention to social moral(讲究社会公德 fake diplomas(假文凭) child abuse(虐待儿童】 cause alarm and attention(引起警惕和关注 aging of population(人口老龄化) rush into the city(冲进城市) to pay by installments(分期付款) unemployment(失业) pose a threat to(构成威胁) traffic light(交通灯) residential area(住宅区) slums(贫民区) financial crisis on college students(金融危机对大学生的影响) 例句 (1 It is difficult to find work in the present situation. 在当前形势下,很难找到工作。 and 无可争辩,现在有成千上万的人仍过着挨饿受冻的痛苦生活 3With the development of contemporary industry,a growing number of people are flowing into big cities. 随若现代工业的发展.越来域多的人涌向大城市 Accordingly,the housin g much more severe.People in the big city are comnlain 因此,大城市的住房问题变得越来越开 重。大城市的人抱怨住房短缺和飞涨的房价 5The fresh air and autiful scenery in the suburbs will pull many people from the overcrowded city and ate tne pres 郊区新鲜的空气和优美的景色会吸引很多人从过度拥挤的城市搬出来,减轻住房压力。 5. 社会热点类 ፘىᦾ᷌ғԔԭۗՈ̵᝕ᵜԪᭃ̵ᶆ੝ଙᇨᗜ̵֘಄ᳯ̵࣯॒᷌࣍ቘ̵։ەࠟߝ̵ӥગ੪ӱ̵उ૱ᑏ̵࿆ ಑ૡᒵ̶ ṛ᷇᦯ᕟғ civil service examinationsҁۓلާᘍᦶ҂ shanzhai cultureҁ“ઊ੎”෈۸҂ self-employmentҁᛔԆڠӱ҂ juvenile delinquencyҁᶆ੝ଙᇨᗜ҂ gratefulҁఽ௮҂ information securityҁמ௳ਞق҂ shortage of powerҁᗌኪ҂ shopping by mediaҁড়֛ᨻᇔ҂ job-hoppingҁ᪡བ҂ housing problemҁ֘಄ᳯ᷌҂ pay attention to social moralҁᦖᑪᐒտل஛҂ fake diplomasҁ؃෈ڂ҂ child abuseҁᡣஇدᒏ҂ cause alarm and attentionҁ୚᩸ᦄఝى޾ဳ҂ aging of populationҁՈݗᘌἻ۸҂ rush into the cityҁ٫ᬰउ૱҂ to pay by installmentsҁړ๗՞ྃ҂ unemploymentҁ०ӱ҂ pose a threat toҁ຅౮শᙢ҂ traffic lightҁԻ᭗ᅌ҂ residential areaҁ֘ਛ܄҂ slumsҁᨹ࿆܄҂ ̴̴financial crisis on college studentsҁᰂᣟܧ੒๢य़਍ኞጱ୽ߥ҂ ғݙֺ ① It is difficult to find work in the present situation. ࣁ୮ڹ۠୵ӥ҅உᵙತکૡ̶֢ ② It is indisputable that there are millions of people who still have a miserable life and have to face the dangers of starvation and exposure. ෫ݢԩᬚ҅ሿࣁํ౮܉ӤӡጱՈՖᬦ፳ഁḀݑٰጱዳᝒኞၚ̶ ③ With the development of contemporary industry, a growing number of people are flowing into big cities. ᵋ፳ሿդૡӱጱݎ᩼๶᩼҅઀ग़ጱՈႀݻय़उ૱̶ ④ Accordingly, the housing problem in big cities is becoming much more severe. People in the big city are complaining housing shortage and roaring price of the housing. ࢩ҅ྌय़उ૱ጱ֘಄ᳯ᷌ݒ᩼๶᩼஑Ӹ᯿̶य़उ૱ጱՈ಼௕֘಄Ꭸᗌ޾ᷢ႐ጱ಄հ̶ ⑤ The fresh air and beautiful scenery in the suburbs will pull many people from the overcrowded city and alleviate the pressure of housing. ̴̶ێܴ಄֘᫷ٺ҅๶ڊ൪૱ጱउ೜೿ᬦଶ՗உग़Ո୚ޕսᗦጱวᜋտ޾ෛẌጱᑮ࿈܄ᮣ 5
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