Lesson 15-The President as Corporate Salesman I. Text Analysis Structure of the text Part 1(paras. 1-5): The President should be defined as a corporate salesman, selling the business ideology to the general public both home and abroad Part 2(paras. 6-8): Most presidents are millionaires when campaigning and leaving. Their life style is quite luxurious Part 3(paras. 9-12): Presidents tend to trade favors for campaign money, corrupt and operate unlawfully Part 4(paras. 13-17: Presidents always serve those who control the wealth and power of the country and just make a show of serving the public W BTL E The end of structureW B T L E Part 1 (paras. 1— ): Part 2 (paras. ): Part 3 (paras. ): Part 4 (paras. ): I. Text Analysis Structure of the text 5 6—8 9—12 13—17 The President should be defined as a corporate salesman, selling the business ideology to the general public both home and abroad. Most presidents are millionaires when campaigning and leaving. Their life style is quite luxurious. Presidents tend to trade favors for campaign money, corrupt and operate unlawfully. Presidents always serve those who control the wealth and power of the country and just make a show of serving the public. Lesson 15 – The President as Corporate Salesman The end of Structure
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