长期以来,海员中流传着一种迷信的说法,认为海豚会把快要淹死的人托到水面,救人性命: 或在人们周围列队保护,使他们免遭鲨鱼伤害。海洋摄影室的生物学家指出,无论海豚多么聪明, 认为它们有救人的动机可能是错误的。当它们偶尔把一个失去知觉的人推到岸边时,更大的可能是 出于好奇或游戏,就像它们追逐被船首犁开的浪花一样。1928年,有人拍摄到了海豚像海狸一样 把浸透水的床垫推上岸的情景。正如报道中所说,如果海豚保护人不受鲨鱼侵害,那么它们可能是 出于好奇:而鲨鱼可能是闻到了可以美食一顿的香味。海豚和鲨鱼是天然仇敌,双方可能随之发生 搏斗,搏斗结果是海豚赶走或咬死鲨鱼。 海豚对凡是活的东西都感兴趣,不管是鸟、是鱼,还是野兽。它们经常追逐海龟,海龟则温顺 地忍受着各种侮辱。一只小海豚特别喜欢用鼻子把海龟推到水面,然后像滑水板一样把海龟从水池 的这一边推到那一边。几乎每天都可以看到一只小海豚把鼻子顶入一只300磅重的海龟的硬壳下 面,拼命地把它翻过来。这并非易事,可能需要两只海豚合伙干才行。在另一场游戏中,当海龟游 过水族馆时,第一只海豚从上方猛扑下去,用腹部撞击龟壳。这一下子把海龟撞下去好几英尺。海 龟刚恢复平衡,第二只海豚又冲过来猛击一下。这只海龟最终被撞到池底。此时的海龟,只要能站 起来就满足了,但它刚站起来,就被一只海豚击倒。海龟终于屈服了,将4条腿缩进壳内。游戏到 此结束。 Lesson 19 The stuff of dreams话说梦的本质 It is fairly clear that sleeping period must have some function,and because there is so much of it the function would seem to e important.Speculations about is nature have been going on for literally thousands of years,and one odd finding that makes the problem puzzling is that it looks very much as if sleeping is not simply a matter of giving the body a rest.'Rest',in terms of muscle relaxation and so on,can be achieved by a brief period lying,or even sitting down.The body's tissues are self- repairing and self-restoring to a degree,and function best when more or less continuously active.In fact a basic amount of movement occurs during sleep which is specifically concerned with preventing muscle inactivity. If it is not a question of resting the body,then perhaps it is the brain that needs resting?This might be a plausible hypothesis were it not for two factors.First the electroencephalograph (which is simply a device for recording the electrical activity of the brain by attaching electrodes to the scalp)shows that while there is a change in the pattern of activity during sleep,there is no evidence that the total amount of activity is any less.The second factor is more interesting and more fundamental. Some years ago an American psychiatrist named William Dement published experiments dealing with the recording of eye-movements during sleep.He showed that the average individual's sleep cycle is punctuated with peculiar bursts of eye- movements,some drifting and slow,others jerky and rapid.People woken during these periods of eye-movements generally reported that they had been dreaming. When woken at other times they reported no dreams.If one group of people were disturbed from their eye-movement sleep for several nights on end,and another group were disturbed for an equal period of time but when they were no exhibiting eye-movements,the first group began to show some personality disorders while the others seemed more or less unaffected.The implications of all this were that it was not the disturbance of sleep that mattered,but the disturbance of dreaming. 参考译文 很清楚,睡眠必然具有某种作用。睡眠占去那么多时间,所以其作用似乎还是很重要。人们对 睡眠作用的种种猜测,确实有数千年之久。一项使人对这个问题感到困惑的奇怪的发现是,睡眠在 很大程度似乎并不仅仅是为了使身体得到休息。”休息”,从使肌肉得到放松等方面来看,只要稍微 躺一躺,甚至坐一坐就能达到。人体组织在一定程度上有自我修补和自我恢复的能力,有张有弛地 连续活动时,其功能最佳。事实上,睡眠状态下仍有着基本的活动量,以防止肌肉活动停止。 如果睡眠的功能不是在于使身体得到休息,那么也许是让大脑得以休息?若不是下面两点,这 种假使似乎是有道理的。第一点,脑电图记录仪(不过是一种把电极接到头皮上记录脑电活动的仪长期以来,海员中流传着一种迷信的说法,认为海豚会把快要淹死的人托到水面,救人性命; 或在人们周围列队保护,使他们免遭鲨鱼伤害。海洋摄影室的生物学家指出,无论海豚多么聪明, 认为它们有救人的动机可能是错误的。当它们偶尔把一个失去知觉的人推到岸边时,更大的可能是 出于好奇或游戏,就像它们追逐被船首犁开的浪花一样。1928 年,有人拍摄到了海豚像海狸一样 把浸透水的床垫推上岸的情景。正如报道中所说,如果海豚保护人不受鲨鱼侵害,那么它们可能是 出于好奇;而鲨鱼可能是闻到了可以美食一顿的香味。海豚和鲨鱼是天然仇敌,双方可能随之发生 搏斗,搏斗结果是海豚赶走或咬死鲨鱼。 海豚对凡是活的东西都感兴趣,不管是鸟、是鱼,还是野兽。它们经常追逐海龟,海龟则温顺 地忍受着各种侮辱。一只小海豚特别喜欢用鼻子把海龟推到水面,然后像滑水板一样把海龟从水池 的这一边推到那一边。几乎每天都可以看到一只小海豚把鼻子顶入一只 300 磅重的海龟的硬壳下 面,拼命地把它翻过来。这并非易事,可能需要两只海豚合伙干才行。在另一场游戏中,当海龟游 过水族馆时,第一只海豚从上方猛扑下去,用腹部撞击龟壳。这一下子把海龟撞下去好几英尺。海 龟刚恢复平衡,第二只海豚又冲过来猛击一下。这只海龟最终被撞到池底。此时的海龟,只要能站 起来就满足了,但它刚站起来,就被一只海豚击倒。海龟终于屈服了,将 4 条腿缩进壳内。游戏到 此结束。 Lesson 19 The stuff of dreams 话说梦的本质 It is fairly clear that sleeping period must have some function, and because there is so much of it the function would seem to e important. Speculations about is nature have been going on for literally thousands of years, and one odd finding that makes the problem puzzling is that it looks very much as if sleeping is not simply a matter of giving the body a rest. 'Rest', in terms of muscle relaxation and so on, can be achieved by a brief period lying, or even sitting down. The body's tissues are self - repairing and self -restoring to a degree, and function best when more or less continuously active. In fact a basic amount of movement occurs during sleep which is specifically concerned with preventing muscle inactivity. If it is not a question of resting the body, then perhaps it is the brain that needs resting? This might be a plausible hypothesis were it not for two factors. First the electroencephalograph (which is simply a device for recording the electrical activity of the brain by attaching electrodes to the scalp) shows that while there is a change in the pattern of activity during sleep, there is no evidence that the total amount of activity is any less. The second factor is more interesting and more fundamental. Some years ago an American psychiatrist named William Dement published experiments dealing with the recording of eye-movements during sleep. He showed that the average individual's sleep cycle is punctuated with peculiar bursts of eye￾movements, some drif ting and slow, others jerky and rapid. People woken during these periods of eye-movements generally reported that they had been dreaming. When woken at other times they reported no dreams. If one group of people were disturbed f rom their eye-movement sleep for several nights on end, and another group were disturbed for an equal period of time but when they were no exhibiting eye-movements, the first group began to show some personality disorders while the others seemed more or less unaf fected. The implications of all this were that it was not the disturbance of sleep that mattered, but the disturbance of dreaming. 参考译文 很清楚,睡眠必然具有某种作用。睡眠占去那么多时间,所以其作用似乎还是很重要。人们对 睡眠作用的种种猜测,确实有数千年之久。一项使人对这个问题感到困惑的奇怪的发现是,睡眠在 很大程度似乎并不仅仅是为了使身体得到休息。“休息”,从使肌肉得到放松等方面来看,只要稍微 躺一躺,甚至坐一坐就能达到。人体组织在一定程度上有自我修补和自我恢复的能力,有张有弛地 连续活动时,其功能最佳。事实上,睡眠状态下仍有着基本的活动量,以防止肌肉活动停止。 如果睡眠的功能不是在于使身体得到休息,那么也许是让大脑得以休息?若不是下面两点,这 种假使似乎是有道理的。第一点,脑电图记录仪(不过是一种把电极接到头皮上记录脑电活动的仪
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