take a chance(on sth.)试图做成某事(虽然有失败的可能性),冒险,碰运气 stand a chance(ofsth./of doingsth.) 有完成某事的希望,有达到某目的的机会 If pursuing a short-termfinancial goal is more important than assuring a long-term relationship with yourspouseand children,you need to rethink your priorities. 如果追求短期的经济目标比确保和配偶及孩子的长期关系更重要,你就需要重新思考你的 重点了。 在“if"引导的条件句中,动名词短语pursuing a short-term financial goal"作主 语,与另外一个动名词短语"assuringa long-term relationship with yourspouse and children来做比较。"short-term”和long-term”作定语,分别修饰"goa”和 “relationship'”,意为“短期的”和长期的°。 After the car accident,he suffered short-term memory loss. 车祸后,他出现了短暂失忆的症状。 The government is launching a training program to help the long-term unemployed. 政府正在推出一项培训计划,以帮助长期失业的人们。 类似的用法还有“medium-term”(中期的),有时也写作“mid-term”。 The medium-term goal of the company is to cover the market of northeast China. 公司的中期目标是占有中国东北市场。 而短语"in the short term”和"in the long term”常在句中作状语,表示从短期 (长期)看”。 In theshort term,your English cannot be improved a lot simply bylistening to news;but in the long term,you will benefit greatly from doing so. 从短期看,光听新闻不会对提高你的英语水平有太大帮助;但从长远看, 你会从中受益匪浅。 effort on your part -and perhaps the part of a friend or spouse htrleocuson ork butor yourmentalnd physicbin youreou make the effort.take a chance (on sth.) 试图做成某事(虽然有失败的可能性),冒险,碰运气 stand a chance (of sth./of doing sth.) 有完成某事的希望,有达到某目的的机会 If pursuing a short-term financial goal is more important than assuring a long-term relationship with your spouse and children, you need to rethink your priorities. 如果追求短期的经济目标比确保和配偶及孩子的长期关系更重要,你就需要重新思考你的 重点了。 在“if”引导的条件句中,动名词短语“pursuing a short-term financial goal”作主 语,与另外一个动名词短语“assuring a long-term relationship with your spouse and children”来做比较。“short-term”和“long-term”作定语,分别修饰“goal”和 “relationship”,意为“短期的”和“长期的”。 After the car accident, he suffered short-term memory loss. 车祸后,他出现了短暂失忆的症状。 The government is launching a training program to help the long-term unemployed. 政府正在推出一项培训计划,以帮助长期失业的人们。 类似的用法还有“medium-term”(中期的),有时也写作“mid-term”。 The medium-term goal of the company is to cover the market of northeast China. 公司的中期目标是占有中国东北市场。 而短语“in the short term”和“in the long term”常在句中作状语,表示“从短期 (长期)看”。 In the short term, your English cannot be improved a lot simply by listening to news; but in the long term, you will benefit greatly from doing so. 从短期看,光听新闻不会对提高你的英语水平有太大帮助;但从长远看, 你会从中受益匪浅。 It will take some effort on your part — and perhaps the part of a friend or spouse — to make the shift from a sole focus on work, but for your mental and physical well-being, you really should make the effort
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