My elder brotheris no more a singer than I am 我哥哥和我都不是歌唱家。 A man who cannotread and write is no better than the blind 不识字的人跟瞎子没什么两样。 This person is no less diligent than he used to be 这个人和从前一样勤奋。 The bank payshim a yearly salary of no less than90,000. 银行给他的年薪竞高达9万。 If your life is consumed by work,then chances are that you're a workaholicor on your way to becoming one. 如果你的生活被工作占据着,那么你很有可能是工作狂或者马上就要成为一个工作狂了。 "(the)chances are”是口语的用法,相当于it is likely(that)”,表示…很有 可能”。 Chances are(that)they'll be late anyway. 看起来,他们可能要迟到了。 Chances are that man will eventually land on Mars. 人类最终很可能将登陆火星。 【注意】:"《the)chances are'"的语气和可能性都比maybe”和"it'spossible that…”要强。 与chance”的相关用法还有: as chance would haveit凑巧,碰巧 by anychance或许,可能 by chance偶然地,意外地,非有意地 chance would be a fine thing愿做某事但永远没有机会去做 give sb./sth.half a chance 给某人或某物一些机会去成为或去做某事物 no chance没有可能,没有希望 take chances 冒险 My elder brother is no more a singer than I am. 我哥哥和我都不是歌唱家。 A man who cannot read and write is no better than the blind. 不识字的人跟瞎子没什么两样。 This person is no less diligent than he used to be. 这个人和从前一样勤奋。 The bank pays him a yearly salary of no less than 90,000. 银行给他的年薪竟高达 9 万。 If your life is consumed by work, then chances are that you're a workaholic or on your way to becoming one. 如果你的生活被工作占据着,那么你很有可能是工作狂或者马上就要成为一个工作狂了。 “(the) chances are”是口语的用法,相当于“it is likely (that) ...”,表示“……很有 可能”。 Chances are (that) they'll be late anyway. 看起来,他们可能要迟到了。 Chances are that man will eventually land on Mars. 人类最终很可能将登陆火星。 【注意】:“(the) chances are”的语气和可能性都比“maybe”和“it’s possible that ...”要强。 与“chance”的相关用法还有: as chance would have it 凑巧,碰巧 by any chance 或许,可能 by chance 偶然地,意外地,非有意地 chance would be a fine thing 愿做某事但永远没有机会去做 give sb./sth. half a chance 给某人或某物一些机会去成为或去做某事物 no chance 没有可能,没有希望 take chances 冒险
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