If you get paid every two weeks,or every week,figure out which of your bills haveto be paid on each payday. 如果你每两周拿一次薪水,或者每周一次,那么要算一下在发薪水的那天有哪些账单要 付。 折使句figure out which of yourbills have to be paid on each payday"是句子的主 干,而在这一部分中"which”引导的名词性从句作igureout”(计算出)的宾语。 If you do not have much money,consider which of the books should be bought first. 如果你没有太多的钱.那么可以考虑一下先买哪本书。 Even if it is only $20 per payday,having some cushion will keep youfrom having to borrow money when something unforeseen occurs. 即使每次发薪水时只留出20美元,这些应急用的钱也会帮助你在有意料不到的事情发生 时渡过难关,而不至于向别人借钱。 主句的主语是动名词结构“having some cushion",意为“留出一些应急用的钱” 在when引导的时间状语从句中,因为形容词"unforeseen”修饰前面的不定代词 "something”,所以后置。 E-commerce is no longer something strange 电子商务对我们来说已不再陌生。 "keep sb.fromdoingsth.”表示"使某人不能或不必做”。 Nobody can keep you from pursuingyourrights. 没有人能阻止你追求自己的权利。 I couldn't keep fromlaughing. 我不禁大笑了起来。 Justmake a list of your income and when it arrives,as well as a list of whathas to be paid and wnen. 既要列清楚有哪些钱要付,什么时候付,也要列清楚你的收入及收入到账的时间。 在这个祈使句中,"as well as”连接make'的两个宾语,相当于“notonly..but also.",句子的意思相当于"You should notonly make a list of what hasto be paid and when but also make a list of your income and when it arrives.".If you get paid every two weeks, or every week, figure out which of your bills have to be paid on each payday. 如果你每两周拿一次薪水,或者每周一次,那么要算一下在发薪水的那天有哪些账单要 付。 祈使句“figure out which of your bills have to be paid on each payday”是句子的主 干,而在这一部分中“which”引导的名词性从句作“figure out”(计算出)的宾语。 If you do not have much money, consider which of the books should be bought first. 如果你没有太多的钱,那么可以考虑一下先买哪本书。 Even if it is only $20 per payday, having some cushion will keep you from having to borrow money when something unforeseen occurs. 即使每次发薪水时只留出 20 美元,这些应急用的钱也会帮助你在有意料不到的事情发生 时渡过难关,而不至于向别人借钱。 主句的主语是动名词结构“having some cushion”,意为“留出一些应急用的钱”; 在 when 引导的时间状语从句中,因为形容词“unforeseen”修饰前面的不定代词 “something”,所以后置。 E-commerce is no longer something strange. 电子商务对我们来说已不再陌生。 “keep sb. from doing sth.”表示“使某人不能或不必做……”。 Nobody can keep you from pursuing your rights. 没有人能阻止你追求自己的权利。 I couldn't keep from laughing. 我不禁大笑了起来。 Just make a list of your income and when it arrives, as well as a list of what has to be paid and when. 既要列清楚有哪些钱要付,什么时候付,也要列清楚你的收入及收入到账的时间。 在这个祈使句中,“as well as”连接“make”的两个宾语,相当于“not only ... but also ... ”,句子的意思相当于“You should not only make a list of what has to be paid and when but also make a list of your income and when it arrives
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