tate Standards and Objectives ASSURE Classroont Cnse Sttidy Standards "What do I hope to accomplish in these areas next Curriculum-National Council of Teachers of English year when I am a sophomore?" Standard 4:Students adjust their use of spoken,writ- 2.Using DreamWeaver software,the ninth-grade English ten,and visual language (e.g..conventions,style,vo student will create a new page titled"Final Year Re- cabulary)to communicate effectively with a variety of flections"that meets the formatting criteria for being audiences and for different purposes. included in the electronic portfolio Reflections folder. Technology-National Educational Technology Stan- 3.Using files of previously completed work.the ninth- dards for Students 3 (Technology Productivity Tools): grade student will be able to add the written reflection students use technology tools to enhance learning.in- or upload a video reflection in an accessible format to the "Final Year Reflections"page in the electronic port- crease productivity,and promote creativity.Reprinted folio folder. with permission from National Educational Technology Standards for Students 2007,ISTE (International Society for Technology in Tiare Ahu discusses the curriculum and technology stan- Education,wwwiste.org).All rights reserved. dards and objectives for the ninth-grade English lesson that was videotaped for Chapter 3.Visit the Chapter 3 section of Objectives for Lesson MyEducationKit to view the video of Ms.Ahu's ninth-grade 1.Given the following questions,the ninth-grade English English class. student will demonstrate the ability to express reflec- Standards for the English Language Arts,by the International Reading tive thinking by answering the following questions in Association and the National Council of Teachers of English,Copyright a written or video reflection that meets the"Final Year 1996 by the International Reading Assiciation and the National Coun Reflections"criteria listed on the assignment sheet. cil of Teachers of English.Reprinted with permission.wwwncte.org/ standards "What did I learn about myself.reading.writing. learning.and overall during the past year?" SELECT STRATEGIES, an Internet search,taking digital photos of a process,or lis- tening to podcasts on a current topic.Most lessons include several teacher and student strategies. TECHNOLOGY,MEDIA. Wagner(2008)suggests ways to align strategies that in- volve student use of cyberlearning tools with NETS-S and AND MATERIALS 21st century knowledge and skills-for example,engaging The next step in creating effective lessons that support learn- students in accessing and analyzing information through criti- ing through the appropriate use of technology and media is cal thinking and problem solving,collaborating and commu- the systematic selection of instructional strategies,technol- nicating with others within and beyond the classroom,and ogy and media,and lesson materials.The following guide- learning to be adaptable as well as creative and imaginative lines discuss the selection process. The primary consideration when selecting instructional strategies is that they result in student achievement of the SELECTING STRATEGIES standards and objectives.Also,keep students'learning styles and motivation in mind as you select strategies to better en- When identifying instructional strategies for a lesson,first sure meeting the diverse needs of students.Review the ARCS consider where teacher-centered approaches should be used model to see if your strategies will gain student Attention, and where student-centered strategies might be better.The be Relevant to their needs,require an appropriate level of teacher strategies involve your own teaching activities,as accomplishment to build their Confidence,and provide Sat- when you present a concept by showing a video or read- isfaction for what they learn. ing a story or when you use the interactive whiteboard to demonstrate how to conjugate a verb.The student-centered SELECTING TECHNOLOGY AND MEDIA strategies are those that engage students in active learning. such as discussing the pros and cons of a topic,conducting Selecting appropriate technology and media can be a com plex task-considering the vast array of available resources, Integrating Technology and Media into Instruction:The ASSURE Model 59
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