You will find that learning objectives appearing in cur riculum standards,textbooks,online lessons,and other instructional materials are written in a general format that often lacks one or more of the ABCD components.Teach- ers can modify such objectives to meet the specific learn- ing needs of their students.For example a district standard may state:"The leamer will be able to divide fractions.f you have students who struggle with math,you could adapt the objective by adding the following condition:"Given manipulatives,the learner will be able to divide fractions." The same objective for more advanced students would not include manipulatives. Many curriculum standards also lack the use of technol- ogy to assist students in achieving the learning objective. Therefore,you will need to modify standards to add the ap- propriate NETS for students (NETS-S)(ISTE,2007)by includ- ing technology in the Condition component of the objective, as in the following examples: Given spreadsheet software and data on population growth,natural resources,and global warming,sixth- grade science students will use a spreadsheet to esti- mate the impact of population growth on natural re- sources from at least three perspectives. .Given clip art and PowerPoint software,first-grade stu- dents will construct a four-slide presentation with one student-selected clip art image per slide to demonstrate four student moods:happy,sad,angry,and bored. Given access to word processing software and web- based resources on American wars,American history high school students will generate a word-processed When teaching learners who have disabilities. table that shows 25 similarities of and differences be- there may be as many different standards for each objective as there are individuals. tween World War I and World War ll. Elizabeth Crews Given a list of randomly grouped words and Inspira- tion software,seventh-grade language arts students will create a concept map that arranges the words into six parts-of-speech groups. might be realistic.For a student with physical disabilities might be a major victory to move 10 meters in 1 minute. Learning objectives are not intended to limit whats LEARNING OBJECTIVES AND dents,but rater are intended to providemin INDIVIDUAL DIFFERENCES ve ofcvtSerendipitousr It is important to adapt learning objectives to the abilities of learning should be expected to occurand should be individual learners.The stated philosophy of most schools )because ring takesfern o is to help students achieve their full potential.In a physical restudensCladiscussiohndsf education class with students of mixed ability,for instance, invoementintheinstructionalsituation,therefore,oal the midsemester goal might be for all students to complete rybeigiyimt oiiv a run of 100 meters,with time standards that vary to show fosterincidenaleamingandprovidelorindinidialt similarity of achievement.For a few,12 seconds might be issometimessb haveste attainable;for many others,16 seconds;and for some,20 sgormeotherovnleamingobjecive.lSeeasetofsantad and learning objectives in the ASSURE case study.) 58 Integrating Technology and Media into Instruction:The ASSURE Model 星
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