Types of Tablets (cont.) 。 Multilayered:mainly used for incompatible substances. Dispersible tablets:is formulated to allow dissolution or dispersion in water prior to administration. Sublingual:are designed to be placed under the tongue and rapidly release drug into the blood-stream. Often desirable Buccal tablets:are designed to be placed between the teeth for drugs and gum and rapidly release drug into the blood-stream. liable to Implant tablets:inserted into body tissues by surgical extensive procedures. hepatic Solution tablets:for this type of tablet all ingredients metabolism should be soluble. by the first- Sustained and controlled release tablets-to be covered in pass effect future lectures.Types of Tablets (cont.) • Multilayered: mainly used for incompatible substances. • Dispersible tablets: is formulated to allow dissolution or dispersion in water prior to administration. • Sublingual: are designed to be placed under the tongue and rapidly release drug into the blood-stream. • Buccal tablets: are designed to be placed between the teeth and gum and rapidly release drug into the blood-stream. • Implant tablets: inserted into body tissues by surgical procedures. • Solution tablets: for this type of tablet all ingredients should be soluble. • Sustained and controlled release tablets- to be covered in future lectures. Often desirable for drugs liable to extensive hepatic metabolism by the first￾pass effect
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