Syllabus for“ The business of Tour operation” 旅行社经营与管理(英) 英文名称: The Business of Tour Operatior 课程代码 学分:3 学时:50 适用对象:本科 先修课程:旅游学概论、旅游专业英语 考试方式:闭卷 课的性质、教学目的和要求( Characteristics and0b」 jecti ves) (一)课程性质和目的 The Business of Tour Operation"is a 2-credit course for graduate students majoring in Tourism Management in College of Tourism. Tour business operation is a combination of professional expertise and practice skill on the part of practitioners. Knowledge and techniques are both emphasized in teaching The textbook chosen for students was published in English by Longman Group Ltd.. This is the first textbook to look in detail at the subject of tour operating as a business. It is aimed primarily at students on Advanced Leisure and Tourism Courses. This course is assigned 34 class periods and fully taught in aims at teaching the students the general procedures of tour business operation, and train More than that, students are expected to enhance their ability to communicate and write in professional (二)教学方法 Students attending this course are required to pass the english Proficiency Test of no less than Ban 4 nd high level of listening comprehension is a must The classroom teaching of this course focuses on classroom communication and presentation so as to improve their skills of listening, speaking, reading and writing in professional English, enlarge their vocabulary of tourism and hospitality English, and train them how to write professional papers. Case studies and multimedia are preferably used in teaching (三)教学安排 The subject requires two components of assessments, which are End of module exam -at the end of the course. there will be a formal written 2 hours examination This will ask the students to answer questions on what they have learnt. This represents up to 70 percent of the total marks available to the subject A Group Project- where the students will be requested to work with 3-4 classmates to undertake a piece of research into the issues in tourism industry. They will be required to jointly submit a written report and to make an oral presentation to the class on their findings. This represents 20% of the total marks available for the subject. And attendance and class participation will take the remaining 10% 二、课内与分配( Teaching contents and periods ass ignment)1 Syllabus for “The Business of Tour Operation” 旅行社经营与管理(英) 英文名称:The Business of Tour Operation 课程代码: 学 分:3 学时:50 适用对象:本科 先修课程:旅游学概论、旅游专业英语 考试方式:闭卷 一、课程的性质、教学目的和要求 (Characteristics and Objectives) (一)课程性质和目的 “The Business of Tour Operation” is a 2-credit course for graduate students majoring in Tourism Management in College of Tourism. Tour business operation is a combination of professional expertise and practice skill on the part of practitioners. Knowledge and techniques are both emphasized in teaching. The textbook chosen for students was published in English by Longman Group Ltd.. This is the first textbook to look in detail at the subject of tour operating as a business. It is aimed primarily at students on Advanced Leisure and Tourism Courses. This course is assigned 34 class periods and fully taught in English. This course aims at teaching the students the general procedures of tour business operation, and train them the skills of packaging, brochure design, marketing, financial control and business administration. More than that, students are expected to enhance their ability to communicate and write in professional English. (二)教学方法 Students attending this course are required to pass the English Proficiency Test of no less than Ban 4, and high level of listening comprehension is a must. The classroom teaching of this course focuses on classroom communication and presentation so as to improve their skills of listening, speaking, reading and writing in professional English, enlarge their vocabulary of tourism and hospitality English, and train them how to write professional papers. Case studies and multimedia are preferably used in teaching. (三)教学安排 The subject requires two components of assessments, which are: End of Module Exam – at the end of the course, there will be a formal written 2 hours examination. This will ask the students to answer questions on what they have learnt. This represents up to 70 percent of the total marks available to the subject. A Group Project - where the students will be requested to work with 3 - 4 classmates to undertake a piece of research into the issues in tourism industry. They will be required to jointly submit a written report and to make an oral presentation to the class on their findings. This represents 20% of the total marks available for the subject. And attendance and class participation will take the remaining 10%. 二、课程内容与学时分配 (Teaching contents and periods assignment)
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