1778 EVEN THOUGH 5664 南南★ 青南南 南南南 I can't even though it looks easy enough. 1779 A RANGE OF 5651 贵出有 南贵南 为贵南 Eventually,a range of events changed that 1815 THE LATTER 5519 南 The latter may still be a challenge. (anaphor) 1818MAKE SURE 5510 水南南 南南南 I had to make sure before l opened the door. 1843 TAKE OVER 5394 青者★ 青南南 水南 You can't just let the kids take over. 1850 CONSIST OF 5362 南南南 南青南 What does it consist of? 1861 AS SOON AS 5323 南南南 南南南 南南 As soon as he can he will call you back. 1873 AT THE TIME 5282 南 I was busy at the time. (WHEN THIS HAPPENED) 1877 ON THE OTHER 5267 南南 On the other hand,the business did make a HAND profit. 1886 ON ONE'S OWN 5240 南南内 You did this on your own? 1894 ALL RIGHT 5230 贵出贵 青南 X If it's all right I think r'll head off to bed. 1900 SUBJECT TO 5218 南青青 All baggage is subject to inspection. 1904 AFTER ALL (adv.) 5197 南南南 南南来 He is only six years old,after all. 1908 IN FRONT OF 5190 青者南 南南南 She did not want to say anything in front of the ('BEFORE) kids. 1910 TO DO WITH 5184 I think it has something to do with physics. 1912G00UT 5173 青南南 Brochures went out to prospective buyers. 1920 A GOOD/GREAT 5126 南南南 南南南 She means a great deal to me. DEAL (MUCH) 1929 ON THE WAY 5085 贵者南 南者 We can stop for lunch on the way. 1931 AS LONG AS 5084 南贵南 南南南 It makes no difference as long as it's done. 1951 SO FAR (UNTIL 5018 南南内 南南南 Any questions so far? NOW) 1958 OUGHT TO 5002 She hasn't but she ought to. 1959 AT THE MOMENT 5001 南者有 中南南 ★南 They have a lot going on at the moment 5 1778 EVEN THOUGH 5664 * * * * * * * * * I can’t even though it looks easy enough. 1779 A RANGE OF 5651 * * * * * * * * * Eventually, a range of events changed that. 1815 THE LATTER (anaphor) 5519 x * * * * * The latter may still be a challenge. 1818 MAKE SURE 5510 * * * * * * * * I had to make sure before I opened the door. 1843 TAKE OVER 5394 * * * * * * * * You can’t just let the kids take over. 1850 CONSIST OF 5362 * * * * * * * What does it consist of? 1861 AS SOON AS 5323 * * * * * * * * As soon as he can he will call you back. 1873 AT THE TIME ('WHEN THIS HAPPENED') 5282 * * * * * * * * I was busy at the time. 1877 ON THE OTHER HAND 5267 * * * * * * * * On the other hand, the business did make a profit. 1886 ON ONE'S OWN 5240 * * * * * * * You did this on your own ? 1894 ALL RIGHT 5230 * * * * * x If it’s all right I think I’ll head off to bed. 1900 SUBJECT TO 5218 x * * * * All baggage is subject to inspection. 1904 AFTER ALL (adv.) 5197 * * * * * * * He is only six years old, after all. 1908 IN FRONT OF ('BEFORE') 5190 * * * * * * * * She did not want to say anything in front of the kids. 1910 TO DO WITH 5184 * * * * * I think it has something to do with physics. 1912 GO OUT 5173 * * * * * * * Brochures went out to prospective buyers. 1920 A GOOD/GREAT DEAL ('MUCH') 5126 * * * * * * * She means a great deal to me. 1929 ON THE WAY 5085 * * * * * * We can stop for lunch on the way. 1931 AS LONG AS 5084 * * * * * * * It makes no difference as long as it’s done. 1951 SO FAR ('UNTIL NOW') 5018 * * * * * * * * * Any questions so far ? 1958 OUGHT TO 5002 * * * * x She hasn’t but she ought to. 1959 AT THE MOMENT 5001 * * * * * * * * They have a lot going on at the moment
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