1967 AS THOUGH 4988 青帝南 南南 He smiled then,as though remembering a joke. 1970C0MET0 4970 南南 We came to see it for what it was. (EVOLVE TO) 1974 ALONG WITH 4948 Along with his dog,the cat slowly stopped eating. 1982 MAY WELL 4931 He hasn't yet but may well try before long. (COULD) 2001 GET OUT 4858 南者有 南南 There was no way to get out of work that Friday. 2013 FOLLOWED BY 4816 青南青 南南南 The workshop will be followed by time for questions. 2018 IN (THE SENSE) 4805 南南贵 青南南 南南南 It's great in that there are so many restaurants. THAT 2022 THE CASE 4794 It's not the case that I don't love him. (TRUE) 2038 TAKE UP 4717 青者南 青南 I don't wish to take up more time than is necessary. 2060 ACCOUNT FOR 4642 南南南 南青者 They'll need to account for their actions. 2064 SET OUT 4624 She accomplished what she set out to do. 2067 AS FAR AS 4619 青青青 What are you thinking,as far as feasibility on this? 2068 CONCERNED 4619 They spoke on issues concerned with culture. WITH 2075 ABOUT TO 4600 贵南贵 南南南 多 Things were about to change. 2086 SUPPOSED TO 4586 南南 南南 南南 I didn't go,but I was supposed to. 2087 AND SO ON 4584 南贵有 My parents arrived,then John,his wife,and so on. 2105 COME ON 4519 青南南 Come on,think about it! end of 2k 66 1967 AS THOUGH 4988 * * * * * * He smiled then, as though remembering a joke. 1970 COME TO ('EVOLVE TO') 4970 * * * * * * We came to see it for what it was. 1974 ALONG WITH 4948 * * * * * * * Along with his dog, the cat slowly stopped eating. 1982 MAY WELL ('COULD') 4931 * * * * * * * * * He hasn’t yet but may well try before long. 2001 GET OUT 4858 * * * * * x There was no way to get out of work that Friday. 2013 FOLLOWED BY 4816 * * * * * * * The workshop will be followed by time for questions. 2018 IN (THE SENSE) THAT 4805 * * * * * * * * * It’s great in that there are so many restaurants. 2022 THE CASE ('TRUE') 4794 * * * * * * * * It’s not the case that I don’t love him. 2038 TAKE UP 4717 * * * * * * I don’t wish to take up more time than is necessary. 2060 ACCOUNT FOR 4642 * * * * * * * They’ll need to account for their actions. 2064 SET OUT 4624 * * * * * * She accomplished what she set out to do. 2067 AS FAR AS 4619 * * * * * * * * What are you thinking, as far as feasibility on this? 2068 CONCERNED WITH 4619 * * * * * * * They spoke on issues concerned with culture. 2075 ABOUT TO 4600 * * * * * * * Things were about to change. 2086 SUPPOSED TO 4586 * * * * * * * I didn’t go, but I was supposed to. 2087 AND SO ON 4584 * * * * * * * * * My parents arrived, then John, his wife, and so on. 2105 COME ON 4519 * * * * x Come on, think about it! -end of 2k
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