复旦大学上海医学院妇产科学系教案 教研室 妇产科学姓名隋龙职称副主 匚授课题目 POSTPARTUM HEMORRHAGE节次 授课对象复旦大学医学院7年制本科2000级授课日期200010 Purpose of class Teaching Through class teaching, the student will demonstrate a knowledge c the following A Risks associated with postpartum hemorrhage B Immediate management ofthe patient with postpartum hemorrhage, including inspection for laceration and use of contractile agents C. The demand for teaching Master the causes. clinical manifestations and diagnosis of postpartum hemorrhage To be familiar with the variable prophy lactic measures for postpartum hemorrhage o Master the different management approachs for postpartum hemorrhage Teaching regime (-)The Outline of Lecture and Distributed Time o To explain the definition and the four main causes of postpartum hemorrhage o Toexplain and emphasize the various clinical manifestations of postpartum hemorrhage with different causes Toexp lain and emphasize the clinical significance of health care in pregnancy and management during pregnancy and delivery period for the prevention of postpartum hemorrhage o To stress the significance of precisely estimation for the volume of postpartum hemorrhage To explain the treatment measures, principles in emergency treatment in detail for postpartum hemorrhage caused by various etiological factors and rescue approaches for hemorrhagic shock1 复旦大学上海医学院妇产科学系教案 教研室 妇产科学 姓名 隋 龙 职称 副主任 医师 授课题目 POSTPARTUM HEMORRHAGE 节次 1 授课对象 复旦大学医学院 7 年制本科 2000 级 授课日期 2000-10 一. Purpose of Class Teaching Through class teaching, the student will demonstrate a knowledge of the following: A. Risks associated with postpartum hemorrhage B. Immediate management of the patient with postpartum hemorrhage, including inspection for laceration and use of contractile agents 二. The Demand for Teaching ⚫ Master the causes,clinical manifestations and diagnosis of postpartum hemorrhage ⚫ To be familiar with the variable prophylactic measures for postpartum hemorrhage ⚫ Master the different management approachs for postpartum hemorrhage 三. Teaching Regime (一)The Outline of Lecture and Distributed Time ⚫ To explain the definition and the four main causes of postpartum hemorrhage ⚫ To explain and emphasize the various clinical manifestations of postpartum hemorrhage with different causes ⚫ To explain and emphasize the clinical significance of health care in pregnancy and management during pregnancy and delivery period for the prevention of postpartum hemorrhage ⚫ To stress the significance of precisely estimation for the volume of postpartum hemorrhage ⚫ To explain the treatment measures, principles in emergency treatment in detail for postpartum hemorrhage caused by various etiological factors and rescue approaches for hemorrhagic shock
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