(=) Focal and Hard Point Focal point the four main causes of postpartum hemorrhage the management principle for postpartum hemorrhage Hard point the prevention of postpartum hemorrhage theestimation of volume of postpartum bleeding the treatment measures for postpartum hemorrhage caused by coagulopathy and placental accreta (=)Key Words( English and Chinese postpartum hemorrhage 产后出血 atonic myometrial contraction子宫收缩乏力 placental retention 胎盘滞留 trauma of parturient canal 产道损伤 laceration of parturient canal 产道撕裂 coagulopathy 凝血功能障碍 (四) Teaching aid Photograph Tables Slides CAI (i) Questions for Review and Thinking What are the clinical manifestations of four main causes resulted in postpartum hemorrhage? from atonic myometrial contraction? stpartum hemorrhage (A) The Requirement for Demonstration Teaching Through clinical demonstration, the prevention and treatment for postpartum hemorrhage with various etiological factors should be explained in detail, especially for thar from coagulopathy and retained p lacerta The methods for measuring volume of postpartum bleeding should be introduced comprehensively2 (二)Focal and Hard Point Focal point: ⚫ the four main causes of postpartum hemorrhage ⚫ the management principle for postpartum hemorrhage Hard point: ⚫ the prevention of postpartum hemorrhage ⚫ the estimation of volume of postpartum bleeding ⚫ the treatment measures for postpartum hemorrhage caused by coagulopathy and placental accreta (三)Key Words( English and Chinese ) postpartum hemorrhage 产后出血 atonic myometrial contraction 子宫收缩乏力 placental retention 胎盘滞留 trauma of parturient canal 产道损伤 laceration of parturient canal 产道撕裂 coagulopathy 凝血功能障碍 (四)Teaching Aid Photograph Tables Slides CAI (五)Questions for Review and Thinking ⚫ What are the clinical manifestations of four main causes resulted in postpartum hemorrhage? ⚫ What are the theraputic methods for postpartum hemorrhage from atonic myometrial contraction? (六)The Requirement for Demonstration Teaching Through clinical demonstration, the prevention and treatment for postpartum hemorrhage with various etiological factors should be explained in detail, especially for thar from coagulopathy and retained placenta. The methods for measuring volume of postpartum bleeding should be introduced comprehensively
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